Birthday to me!

>> Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Minutes from now it would be the 20th of June. Minutes from now i would be turning 31. People usually greets happy birthday but this year I prefer to skip the Happy.

Not just because I skip the happy I am not thankful for the another year. Actually I am grateful and blessed that the good Lord has given me another year. Though something was lost there are more things to be thankful for.

Thank you Lord for the strength, blessings and guidance. In life we might not get what we wanted but there are more blessings to be thankful for. In the past weeks I am in the wind. I am not in an easy situation. I am in a great emotional battlefield. I have thought of giving up several times but with the spiritual guidance of the Lord I am slowly trying to win this battle.

Thank you for my Family. The unconditional loves is never ending. The support is overwhelming beyond numerous disappointments.

Thank you for friends. Yes I have a lot of friends that I have gained through the 31 years of my existence. But extra thanks for the true friends that does not need for me to talk but already knew when they I need their time, comfort, advise, support, listening ear and shoulder to cry on the most. Thank you for the friends that always remind me that we are connected with this invisible thread that I could pull whenever I need them.


>> Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Actually, for some years of my blogging life I was able to write a lot of posts talking about law, justice, life in prison and even the life events of people who are facing this kind of stuff. Well anyway, while I was just doing some hopping around and reading on websites, I found myself reading some articles describing the services offered by legal professionals like denver criminal defense lawyer or bladder cancer lawyer. So I became so intrigued with the work of these different attornies, I decided to click on their site and found out that they are one of the most in demand service professional that deals with different types of cases like domestic violence, white collar crime, drug offenses, and driving under the influence - which for me are the most numbered cases all over the world. Yes, simple cases but really does happen more than once in a day! Let's say for example, domestic violence is a common thing specially on those slum areas where people are more prone to quarrels due to so many vices, thus news are flooding with reports about domestic violence due to alcoholism and drug abuse. So there, these specialized lawyers are the one who will take care of the cases once it has been given to them.

Enhancing My Skill

>> Saturday, June 11, 2011

A trying hard make-up artist is what I call myself because I do like to put on make-up.  When I am bored and I don’t have anything to do, I just experiment on putting on make-up.   Sometimes friends ask me to do their make-up for them like when they attend special occasions or parties.  I get happy and proud when I am able to do this. Now this made me come to realize that I might want to enhance this skill of mine. Maybe I can enroll in a beauty school like Wichita beauty school. By doing so, I can finally practice or if not perfect the art of putting on make-up.







***** This blog post was based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit or contact Regency Beauty Institute – 8227 East Kellogg Drive, Wichita, KS 67207

plains & prints sale

Plains and Prints Sale

  • Plains & Prints End of Season Sale is from June 3, 2011 onwards.
  • Rich and Famous Boutiques are on Sale as well.
  • Valid at all Plains & Prints and RAF Boutiques Nationwide.
  • Designs and availability may vary from store to store.
  • Up to 50% OFF on selected items.

powerbooks sale





Powerbooks Clearance Sale





  • Powerbooks Mall of Asia Clearance Sale.
  • Up to 80% discount on imported books.
  • Sale period is from June 1 to 15, 2011 only.
  • X, XP items, and magazines not included.
  • No combination of promos including Loyalty Card program

Topamax Effects

>> Sunday, May 22, 2011

Have you been pregnant lately? And for sure, you have done everything according to your ob-gyne’s advice. Are you wondering why your child has a birth defect? To be specifically, cleft lip or palate? Well, this might be due to the side effect of topamax. Have you taken topamax while pregnant? Topamax manufacturers do not enclosed a warning that it is dangerous for pregnant women. Thus, you have taken this medicine as per your doctor’s advice. Unfortunately, this exact medicine caused your child’s suffering. To fight for your right and for your child’s justice, contact Topamax birth defect lawsuit Be strong for your child, fight.

*O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath – Personal Injury Lawyers – 808 West Avenue, Austin, TX. 78701 – 512-494-9949

Happy Easter!

>> Wednesday, April 27, 2011



   Happy Easter everyone! Hope you had a wonderful, meaningful Holy Week. As for me, everything seems to be normal from where I am because obviously, they don’t celebrate nor observe the Lenten Season. But for me, I feel renewed and happy and thankful for all the good Lord has sacrificed for us!

Happy with Happy Island!







Yes, another Facebook game that will soon become famous! My friend is just new to this game but I can tell that she is already hook along with our other friends who also tried this out last week. Heard that it loads fast compare to other FB games making it very addicting to play. Oh, hopefully I wouldn’t be be drag into the bandwagon or else, I might not let myself out of it! :D

Topamax and Child Birth

>> Friday, April 22, 2011

Is your child born with birth defect? Birth defects could be cleft lip, cleft palate, genital defects and skeletal malformation. If your child got one of these defects and you have taken topamax while being pregnant without knowing that this medicine is harmful to your baby, then you should contact Topamax lawsuit to help you claim the product liability benefit. Manufacturers of topamax plead guilty for this particular. Lawyers from are guaranteed to be dependable, trustworthy and very professional. Start to fight for justice for your child, contact them today. Being pregnant for nine months is not easy, and a child with birth defect is truly hurtful to parents.                                                                                                                                                                                              O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath – Personal Injury Lawyers – 808 West Avenue, Austin, TX. 78701 – 512-494-9949

Tea is love!

IMG_3740 One of my favorite beverage is TEA. That is why I get so ecstatic to learn that there are now stalls of flavored tea in town! Definitely, I’d try those once I get back sometime this year :) And yes, my friend also told me that flavored tea can optionally have black pearls and crystals!

new paperbacks

IMG_3685 If there is one thing that I really miss to do, it’s reading! Unfortunately, having so many busy days and working non stop, my favorite past time to do has taken the back seat. Hopefully I’d be able to catch up on the latest reads that my friend has told me about. Actually, she shared a photo of the two novels that she wants me to read once I get back :)

Topamax Issue

A pregnant woman usually does everything just to keep her child safe and secured inside her womb. No matter how much she wants to drink a coffee or an alcoholic beverage, she will not do that certain action just to take care of her baby. But maybe at some point, a baby was born with congenital defects like cleft lip or cleft palate. It may not be your fault as the mother of the child. It might be due to the side effects of topamax, a medicine for epileptic seizure and also to prevent migraine. Topamax manufacturers plead guilty for this case and if you think you need to have a Topamax lawsuit then contact O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath lawyers through their website,


O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath – Personal Injury Lawyers – 808 West Avenue, Austin, TX. 78701 – 512-494-9949

Binibining Pilipinas 2011 Title Holders!

>> Sunday, April 10, 2011

Binibining Pilipinas 2011 Title Holders! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Bb. Pilipinas Universe 2011 : #26- Shamcey Supsup
Bb. Pilipinas International 2011 : #33- Dianne Necio
Bb. Pilipinas Tourism 2011: #25 - Isabella Manjon
Bb. Pilipinas 1nd Runner Up: Janine tungonon
Bb. Pilipinas 2nd Runner Up: #34 Mary Jane Lastimosa

Kamiseta Sale!

>> Thursday, March 31, 2011






Kamiseta Sale!



  Rockwell – March 31 – April 2, 2011

  MOA – April 1 & 2, 2011

when accidents happen

>> Friday, March 11, 2011

Accidents may happen anytime and anywhere whether we took a lot of care to keep ourselves safe. Accidents are easy to accept if we commit the mistake but if the accident is caused by someone’s fault, it’s very hard to accept and worst and some people acquired injuries and permanent disability. If you had been an accident victim and you know it is somebody’s fault, then you have a case to fight in court. got the best Austin personal injury lawyer in town. They even provide free consultation so if you have queries and inquiries about your case, feel free to contact them and they are more than happy to assist you.

God Bless our World

I believed that you guys already heard the news, Japan was hit by a strong earthquake and the northern part was swept by a disastrous Tsunami and experienced tremendous aftershocks. The world is definitely going on a trial, yesterday a volcanic eruption happened over at Hawaii and reports of earthquakes from all over the world too. Really sad, but what can we do?!  it’s the force of nature that makes all these happen. The least we can do now is be with our family, pray and hope that everything will be ok…

this I want!

172362_10150114401596693_24902886692_6619883_2732106_o So it’s been weeks since my last post here, sorry I had to attend so many things in my life right now… read: work! yes, been so overloaded for days that I wasn’t able to update and do my nonstop blabbing here. Anyways, since I’m back… let me share with you my latest eye candy… this medium sized Madison wallet from Coach! pretty neat huh? I know! very spacious indeed. Perfect for an OC person like me who keeps on tucking receipts and stuff in my wallet :D Hopefully this pretty little thing will go on sale soon so I can snag a piece! :D

gold can save

>> Thursday, February 10, 2011

Every country is suffering from an economic crisis and respective leaders are doing everything to survive this crisis. Even us, as an individual thinks of how to secure our family’s wealth or to save more for our future. Some of us think of entering own business but as of the moment, it is very risky. So, it is advisable for us to think of a higher success rate business. Do you know that can help us on this? Gold as we all know is part of our everyday lives in a form of jewelries. buy gold bullion now and soon you’ll see the bigger profit it offers.

Cash Cash Pinoy : Today's Deal: 30% Off!! Only P266 for Two (2) 12-pak Pre-assorted Brownies at Brownies Unlimited!

Fine Prints

  • Valid from Feb. 14 to April 30, 2011.
  • Not valid with other offers.
  • See the rules that apply to all deals.


  • 24 Assorted Brownies from the popular Brownies Unlimited.
  • 6 fantastic flavors to try.
  • Sinfully delicious brownies.
  • Choose among 18 locations.
    Brownies to Choose:

  • Walnut Swirl (All-time favorite bestseller) – Fudge brownies decorated with cream cheese filling and topped with chopped walnuts.
  • Peanut Butter Krispies – Fudge brownies decorated with rice crispies and creamy choco peanut butter topping.
  • Choc o'Chip – Fudge brownies with chocolate icing topped with chocolate chips.
  • Kriss Kross – Fudge brownies decorated with white chocolate drizzle.
  • Double Fudge – Fudge brownies with plain chocolate icing.
  • Rocky Road – Fudge brownies topped with marshmallows and cashew nuts, decorated with choco icing.
  • Pebble Beach – Fudge brownies topped with marshmallows and cashew nuts, decorated with caramel icing.
  • Espresso – Fudge brownies topped with coffee flavored icing, decorated with rich caramel drizzle.

earn 10x with ora care products

Exclusive to SM Advantage, SM Prestige and BDO Rewards members!
Earn 10X your points when you buy any ORAL CARE PRODUCTS at all Watsons and SM Department Store branches nationwide.
Promo runs until February 28, 2011!

--- now here is something that we oral care freaks out there, as we all know these products are quite expensive and having to earn additional points for our advantage card is truly an advantage to boot!

gold it is!

>> Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Looking for another job that will compensate you more than your present job? Or looking for a business that will bring profit to your pocket? All of us want this especially as of the moment when our economy is facing a serious problem. Do you know that when the stock market is in its low state, gold is in its higher state? can educate you the facts about gold. As we all know, gold had been part of our lives, usually in the form of jewelry. Its price usually doubles when the stock market is failing, so now is the right time to put money in gold. Buy Gold Krugerrands is the right choice you can make today.

Go Green Bags from Artscow






Use these wonderful customizable recycle bags to do your grocery shopping. Not only are these bags pretty, featuring your very own personalized designs, but they are easy to take around with you too. The bag can be folded and slipped into a mini carry case (included), so you’ll never be without it.

For just $2.99*/each, you can get your hands on this durable recycle bag with free international shipping. So now you can do your shopping in style and be environmentally responsible whilst doing so!







Coupon Code :


Expiry Date:

*$2.99 for single-sided bag, $3.99 for twin-sided bag


Cakes Galore

Most of my friends know how I truly love to bake and create unique and delicious cakes. Unfortunately, since I am based in another country to work, my passion for baking is actually on a park state. Now just to give myself another boost of inspiration or whatever, I'm posting some cakes that my friend Kathy were able to ordered last January for different occassions. Actually, these are cakes that she took photos and tagged me over at facebook so I can see what designs are in nowadays and hopefully we can both pick up as soon as I come back!










































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aging and fighting it.

>> Saturday, January 22, 2011






Have you noticed that the signs of ageing are slowly appearing upon your face? We can’t avoid looking old, every one of us will look old once the right time came. But since, we are in the millennium age and there are lots of beautifying products we may use to a little bit elongate our time of looking young and bubbly, we use them as frequently as needed. Regency Beauty Institute can even help us look better, a visit at their place will be rewarding. After the visit, you are guaranteed to have a look of a gorgeous human being. You may notice the big difference on your face, that you may say “I can look even more beautiful despite my age”. You can take a look at their facebook page,


---This blog post was based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit or contact Regency Beauty Institute – 10217 North Metro Parkway West – Phoenix, AZ 85051

more charms

DSC_0891 As mentioned on my previous post, my dearest friend is very much into charms and feng shui stuff. And since it’s the start of the new year, that means additional items on her loot! And true enough, she sent me this photo while we were chatting online and showed me her latest charms specially for this year of the Rabbit! now isn’t she addicted or what?! ;D

Blue Buddha

>> Friday, January 21, 2011

DSC_0261 Or also known as the Medicine Buddha, said to be the house protector for unwelcome sickness and illnesses in the family. My friend who is into feng shui and charms and all that stuff sent me this picture of her recently purchased Buddha. Actually, I was surprised at first because it is my first time to see a blue one and surprisingly, I love the look! even asked her to get me one :D

gift of beauty with the help of accutane

>> Saturday, January 8, 2011

Some of us were gifted of having naturally clean and clear facial skin. But some no matter what they do seems to have pimples in their faces. Due to this, they purchase products like acne removing facial wash, moisturizers and the like. It might bring you beautiful skin but some acne removing products like accutane are harmful to other parts of our body. Digestive system seems to fail due to the side effects of accutane and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), Crohn’s disease, and ulcerative colitis are just few to mention. We all know that these diseases are not due to your own fault. So, Accutane lawsuit of O’Hanlon, McCollum & Demerath is just waiting for you to defend you in court. Are you ready to face the real bearer of your disease? Contact them now and visit their website, for free consultation.


Your Pirate Name Is: Bloody Hook-Handed Helen

found myself watching a snippet of the movie of my favorite hunk Johnny Depp’s Pirates of the Caribbean and was kind of curious on what can possibly be my name if I’m one of them.. thank heavens for blogthings that I found this and yes, got my pirate name in an instant! Bloody Hook- Handed Helen…. ooohhh!

happy new year!

>> Saturday, January 1, 2011


may our new year be filled with love, joy, good health and prosperity!

savings equals gold

>> Thursday, December 2, 2010

People of today think on how to preserve their savings. And people really think twice if they are making the right decision. They usually do feasibility studies to be sure in business investment. Actually, normal people or businessmen wants to put their savings into something that can make them successful someday. The best choice we could have now is to buy gold coins. Gold as known for its characteristics is indeed a good investment. For collectors of gold, they actually invest into different gold coins, for example, American Gold Eagle Coins which is rare and hard to find. Good thing is United States Gold Bureau offers different gold coins and for sure, collectors will find their long-searched item here. Visit their website and for sure you'll find this interesting,

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