Videoke Hit List

>> Sunday, March 16, 2008

Videoke has always been a bonding moment for me and my officemates. We all love to sing but I'm not quite sure if the songs love us back lol! Yesterday, while watching Sharon there was a portion where she sang the song "To Love Again" which happens to be one of my favorite Videoke Song.

Each of us have our favorite Videoke Song. Here are some which is included in the list. (If I would write all of those it would take me years! lol!

Kathy's Song

Ate Connie's Song

Ate Del's Song

George's Song

Mama Joy's Song

Bele's Song

Kuya Tan's Song

Ma'am Fe's Song

Sir Jun's Song

Maya's Song

Lovemela's Song

Steve's Song

Mita San's Song (An Instrumental Song, but he usually hums this)

My Song lol! (I have plenty this is just one of those)


Just the two of Us

>> Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Hi, haven't been posting because of heavy workload. Mela just left and its just me and Ate Dhel here in the office. Haven't find a replacement for Mela.

Since Mela left, Ate Dhel and I started singing "You and Me against the reports" lol!


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