Kathy's Birthday

>> Sunday, April 27, 2008

Got to bond with some production girls last Friday. We celebrated Kathy's Birthday at their house with some food and sparkling white wine! I finally grant her wish to have the white wine, she's been asking for it since last Christmas but I failed to give her (Sorry Mare!). We enjoyed the delicious dinner prepared by Kathy and Chef Amiel (Kathy's husband hahaha! Love you pare!). After the dinner they had the wine and a seem to be "never-ending" stories. But the biggest surprised for that night was the one that we saw on our way to Kathy's house. I still can remember how Emma has lost words when they saw it.

Missing Them

Last Saturday, former officemates George and Lovemela dropped by the office. From officemates now to visitors. They said they missed us so much not just the people but also the things that they usually do here. Georgina said she misses the coffee so much, what she doesn't know is that we also misses the smell of her coffee from time to time. Lovemela took her factory tour as if she haven't been here for a long time, and the funny thing is that she misses the comfort room so much and she really took her time to use it.

I really regret that George and I didn't have the enough time to bond well. Its now that I miss her so much. She is so makulit but in a tolerable way. She had this kinda weird trips but eventually you'll find them meaningful and enjoyable. I miss you Georgina!

Before & After

>> Monday, April 7, 2008



My cousin Sam finally got his first haircut! Yehey! After 12 months of dealing with his cute curly hairs he finally get rid of those. Because of some superstitious belief, it was said that a baby have to turn one before having a haircut. With my grannies who are a follower of such superstition, Sam have to deal with a long curly hair for a year. Because of his hair, he is often mistaken as girl, but now I hope he wouldn't be mistaken anymore!

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