MJ's final bow

>> Sunday, June 28, 2009

Michael Jackson is dead, it was the news that reached my ears as soon as I went out of the bathroom last June 25. At first, I hardly believe my Granny's story because I know that he have an upcoming series of concerts and his life was full of intrigues and controversies and I thought this one was just one of those. But a sms and the TV news confirmed it, he's gone. I was not that huge MJ fan, but I sing some of his songs and I admire his music prowess. Definitely the International Music Scene has lost a gem, but his music and his legacy will remain. Goodbye Mr. Jackson, may you rest in eternal peace!

My Birthday Post

>> Monday, June 22, 2009

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It was my birthday last Saturday! (Happy Birthday to me!) It was so far the quietest birthday that I had. I actually celebrated it in the hospital because I have to look after my grandmother who broke her right hip ball extending to her femur last Monday. But anyways it was still a Happy Birthday for me.

Greetings flooded my phone and my FS and FB accounts. My friend Arjay was the first one to greet me on the day of my birthday. As soon as the clock hits twelve midnight I got his message, thanks friend. A former office mate called me. I was surprised he still remembers my birthday! My blogger friend Rose has something posted in her blog for my birthday. Thanks sis for the post, I really appreciate it! I am grateful for all the heartfelt greetings that came from all the people that touched my life. It was more than enough to make my birthday a quiet but memorable one.

Another year has added to my age. I wish that the good Lord would continue to bless me, my family and friends. I am aging I can now feel it, but I love every minute of my life because I have a loving family, heaven-sent friends and supportive officemates. They are more than enough to make my life happy and meaningful.

Why I was out for a while

>> Thursday, June 11, 2009

My blogger friends are worried about my absence in the blogging scene for the past weeks. I am sorry for making them worry. Thank you so much friends for your concerns. I was just very busy in fixing things connected to my work. I have to finish the entire pending task before I leave at the end of the month. After more than three years, I decided to leave my work for a much better opportunity overseas. I would not yet reveal the details about it, since I am still fixing the visa, papers and others. But I would tell you the whole story soon. As for now, I am back again in the scene. I hope to do more post. I would to thank all my friends and readers who still drop by my page even if I have not updated it. I promise to tell you more stories, share you more of my dreams. I missed you all.

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