Artscow $11.99 Classic Photo Handbag

>> Wednesday, October 28, 2009

while doing my site hopping I happened to saw this very nice offering from Artscow, personalized photo handbag that can be a very perfect gift for friends and even for ourselves! and the fact that it now on promo makes it more really tempting to order! I'm actually thinking of ordering one for my mom with our family picture to boot! for sure mom would love it!


Christmas Invitations!

>> Sunday, October 25, 2009

Holidays is just around the corner, and soon we will be receiving tons of Christmas Invitations left and right. And just the thought of it makes me miss my family and friends even more. It'll be my first out of the country Christmas you know, and this fun parties will surely be missed also.

I remember when I used to take care of the Christmas party invitations that we sent to different company's on my previous work. Being the know how when it comes to online shops and store, I am the one who takes care of ordering and even putting up Christmas invitation wording to searching for free Christmas invitations online! Thank heavens for Unique and Exclusive Designs Available ONLY at Holiday-Invitations the site were we often ordered our invitation needs that Print and Ship Your Order the SAME DAY it is Approved - fast and easy!

Mellow Yellow - Ripe mango shake

ripe mango shake

another favorite of mine, that I make sure to order whenever we eat out. and oh, I also like the green one! anything mango actually.

more MellowYellowBadge!

Another Baby Invitation

Call me lucky or whatever, for being able to receiving Baby Invitations for Baby Shower this coming weekend! But unfortunately, I wouldn't be able to attend (again) because I am miles and miles away from home. Thought my presence will sure be missed on that baby shower, I just suggested a few things to my my friend who are arranging all the details from the ordering of baby shower invitations from Birth-Cards - the site I told her where to order because of their offerings of If Customer does not find exactly what they are looking for, they will create a Special Design Just For You and You Can Add a Photo, Picture or Logo to Any Card on Their Site aside from fast and efficient delivery. I also made a list of gifts the baby and mom should and must receive so guests wouldn't have to worry on what to give.

I just hope they'll be able to document everything so I can see everything of the occasion!

Have a Laugh!

>> Saturday, October 17, 2009

Toaster with pieces of bread

I know it's a little hokey, but this made me giggle this morning. It's a quote that's attributed to "Garfield" creator Jim Davis:

"If people were meant to pop out of bed, we'd all sleep in toasters."

So if you're not feeling your usual chipper, embrace-the-day self this morning, fear not! But if you can crack a smile, you know you're back on track.

** funny how this quote was said. actually, we are the ones who makes our lives so miserable by dwelling on the negative side of the coin. Why not try to be a positive type of person and live life without dragging around the negatives of the environment?! Live life at its fullest, laugh to our hearts content and love people that loves us well.. And see... things will be totally different!

saturday 9

Saturday 9: Inside Job

1. When you were young, what did you want to be when you grew up?
:: I have so many wants when I was little, but what really fancies me is to become a chef or a baker!

2. Did you ever pursue that career?
:: I tried, we tried.... but then again I had to pursue another path, but maybe someday.. I will

3. If you are not in that field, what changed?
:: I am involve with the production

4. What is your current job?
:: Accountant! :D

5. What’s the best part of what you do?
:: Being able to finish the tasks that has been given to me.

6. Do you have plans to do something else down the road?
:: of course, of course

7. How did you get your present job? If you are a stay at home mom, how long did you need to plan that move?
:: I was referred and I applied... luckily I got hired!

8. Did your parents influence your choices of jobs over the years?
:: not so

9. What advice would you give your children on careers?
:: pursue your dreams

tags tags tags

>> Sunday, October 11, 2009

Thank you Dharlz for this tag...

1. First piercing - Ears (still a baby when I had one)
2. First best friend - April
3. First award - Math Quiz Bee Third Placer
4. First crush - hahahaha! A.A. I saw him a couple of weeks ago!
5. First pet - Kuya Nanu! Joke! An arowana fish (that my kuya and I bought from our allowances and after three months, the fish jumped out of the aquarium and died!)
6. First big vacation - Baguio City (big na yan for me! hahaha!)

7. Eating - peanuts
8. Drinking - pineapple juice
9. I’m about to - finish a task
10. Listening to - Nobody by Wonder Girls
11. Plans for today - Pick-up my medical results
12. Waiting for - The task to be done
13. Want kid/s - soon hahaha!
14. Want to get married - Hope so! hahaha!
15. Careers in mind - Pastry Chef :)

Tagging everyone :)

coffee please!

I want coffee... I'm craving for coffee, but not the hot one. I seldom drink hot coffee, it is always ice-cold coffee or frappuccino (Wahahaha kapag may anda lang or courtesy of the generosity of Ate Jojo lang!) I usually drink a liter of Iced coffee in our office then another at home. No wonder I find it hard to sleep for more than three hours! And now that I'm attending the Syteline ERP Training my coffee consumption is up than my usual (overflowing coffee kase!). I use coffee as my brain stimulant although some contradicts to that. Uhmm coffee please...

Sunday Stealing

continuation of my Sunday Stealing!

18. What CD is closest to you right now?
:: clothes

19. What 3 things can always be found in your refrigerator?
:: fruits, left overs and water

20. What superstition do you believe/practice?
:: some rituals that my parents are still practicing

21. What colour are your bed sheets?
:: stiped blue and white

22. Would you rather be a fish or a bird?
:: A Bird!

23. Last thing you broke?
:: glass

24. What are you having to eat tonight?
:: some leftovers I guess, too lazy to cook

25. What colour shirt are you wearing?
:: white

26. If you could be doing anything else today, what would you rather be doing?
:: spend time with my family

27. Do security cameras make you nervous?
:: not at all

28. If you wrote a book about your life, what would the title be?
:: hmmmm, still constructing

29. Last time you went to a cemetery?
:: few months ago

30. Last concert you went to?
:: hmmm, Side A

31. Favourite musician(s)/bands you’ve seen in concert?
:: Side A

32. Next concert you’re planning to attend?
:: no plans yet, maybe Sesionistas

33. Do you talk to yourself?
:: yes

34. Have you ever adopted or purchased a pet?
:: dog and cats

35. Have you ever been present when an animal is being born?
:: yes

sunday stealing

Sunday Stealing: The Magical Mystery Tour Meme

1. Is there anybody you just wish would fall off the planet?
:: yesss!

2. How do you flush the toilet in public?
:: with my foot

3. Do you wear your seatbelt in the car?
:: yes

4. Do you have a crush on someone?
:: yes

5. Name one thing you worry about running out of.
:: food

6. What famous person do you (or other people) think you resemble?
:: not sure hmmm, let me think

7. What is your favourite pizza topping?
:: cheese!

8. Do you crack your knuckles?
:: yep

9. What song do you hate the most?
:: hateful songs

10. Did just mentioning that song make it get stuck in your head?
:: tvc songs!

11. What are your super powers?
:: creating yummo pastries!

12. Peppermint or spearmint?
:: Peppermint

13. Where are your car keys?
:: no car keys

14. Last song you listened to?
:: various artists

15. What’s your most annoying habit?
:: not sure, matampuhin I guess

16. Where did you last go on vacation?
:: everywhere!

17. What is your best physical feature?
:: my height!

folk's Photo Invitations!

>> Saturday, October 10, 2009

I have been thinking of ordering Photo Stationery Invitations for my grand parent's wedding anniversary. Since with photo invitation we can easily send invites to our relatives from different parts of the world. The wonders of photo announcement! actually, we can send it via email in a jiffy!

And speaking of stationery photo cards, will definitely order from Announcements-Shoppe - where they make super nice invitations plus you View your personalized invitation BEFORE you buy using their patented Instant Preview Features and If Customer does not find exactly what they are looking for, they will create a Special Design Just For You! Complete costumer satisfaction offering! :D


The PJ's You Are Most Like: Underwear

You enjoy the simple things in life and aren't hard to please

You have an understated, easy sexiness that men love

And you're confident enough to pull it off - without being overbearing

My first House Warming Invitation

>> Thursday, October 8, 2009

I was very lucky to received a Moving Announcements invitation from my new found friend this coming weekend. Actually, it is my first time to really received a housewarming invitation though I've been hearing a lot about this moving announcement parties from some friends. Because I am only familiar with open house invitations that has something to do with real estate things.

Anyways, because of the amazement I even asked my friend on where she ordered the super unique and fab invitation, and she said from CardsShoppe ( that offers services like Proof Emailed to You within ONE Hour during the Business Day. Customer Can Make Unlimited Changes at No Additional Cost and Print and Ship Your Order the SAME DAY it is Approved system! Customer satisfaction at it's finest I must say. So am I going?! definitely!

Dora Jeep

>> Sunday, October 4, 2009

I heard my inaanak in Pinas is wanting a huge Dora jeep like this one. Her mom told me the other day that they are actually on the hunt for this type of kid's car, because as to what my god daughter told them, this is the one that she wants, nothing more - nothing less. Oh the kids today! they can be the at their best demanding stage whenever they want something. Anyways, I found out that this jeep can be bought at the US, but the thing is...shipping could be the problem. How will they able to ship this huge toy?! I wonder if anyone knows where to get this Dora jeep locally. Let me know alright? thanks!

Christmas Invitation Ordering

>> Friday, October 2, 2009

I got a call from one of my previous colleagues earlier today and she asked me about ordering online of Christmas Invitations from Invitations-Shoppe - the site where I ordered bulk of our Christmas Party Invitations for our company. It was a hassle free ordering actually that is why my friend wants to know on how to place an order as early as now to avail of the free Christmas invitations that I heard they are also offering for the early birds.

What I like most actually in this online card shop is their great selection of Christmas invitation wording and their Print and Ship Your Order the SAME DAY it is Approved system, no hassle whatsoever, thus making the customer worry free of the arrival of their orders. Plus You Can Add a Photo, Picture or Logo to Any Card on Their Site - which we did, we added our company's logo on the layout, making the invitation so personalized! The Japanese bosses actually loved it!

Perfect baking nook.

This is so damn neat looking nook right!? it'll sure be a spacious and well lighted baking area... something that I would want to have in the future. Just see the details?! the cupboards are very accessible with neat containers and canisters, the table in the middle can also serve as a breakfast area too, and look how it serves as place for plates and other often used kitchen items. Oh I just totally love the entire kitchen! :D
Thanks to this site for sharing

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