savings equals gold

>> Thursday, December 2, 2010

People of today think on how to preserve their savings. And people really think twice if they are making the right decision. They usually do feasibility studies to be sure in business investment. Actually, normal people or businessmen wants to put their savings into something that can make them successful someday. The best choice we could have now is to buy gold coins. Gold as known for its characteristics is indeed a good investment. For collectors of gold, they actually invest into different gold coins, for example, American Gold Eagle Coins which is rare and hard to find. Good thing is United States Gold Bureau offers different gold coins and for sure, collectors will find their long-searched item here. Visit their website and for sure you'll find this interesting,

makes me want to come home

23 days before the most awaited holiday of the year. Christmas Music fills the four corners of our room. As I anticipate the first Christmas away from my family and friends makes me feel sad and sentimental. I wish that home is just a rickshaw ride away. Now I understand the sacrifices of working away from home. Too sad.

sweeth tooth

I was born with a sweet tooth, I love anything sweet! I fond of chocolates, cakes and other desserts. A meal is not a meal for me with out anything sweet to follow after it. I guess my passion for making originated from my love for sweets. This picture was taken from our party and you can see how much I crave for the desserts. Too bad I came from a family of diabetic, eventually I have to give up the "sweetness" in my life. But now that my blood sugar level is still on the normal level I make sure that I give in to my indulgence.

wise to buy gold

Wealthy people are wiser than the normal people. They took care of their wealth whatever it takes. But can we blame them? They did everything to reach who they are now and I think, a normal people like us should also think of other ways to earn more so we can have a better future, so we can give our children a future better than what we have now. It is advisable to save especially at times like we have now, you know the economic crisis that we are experiencing currently. United States Gold Bureau aims to educate us about the importance of gold and how gold can change our future. WSJ says Buy Gold and it is because gold investment is the best option we can have now. Gold can guarantee a better future for us far better than stock investment. To learn more, visit this website United States Gold Bureau.

my 1950s name!

Your 1950s Name is: Charlene Veronica
What's buzzin, cuzzin?

aw man, what’s up with Charlene Veronica?! it’s really chic sounding name huh. But really, do you find it suitable for my personality?! not at all! I know. But then again, I’m just pretty thankful my mom didn’t thought of this name for me when I was baptized. It’s just so sassy and not so me!

bubble test!

You Are a Perfectionist
You are a well rounded person who can see both small details and the whole picture. You are very balanced.

You act quickly but not impulsively. You think through your actions, even if only briefly.

You are a big dreamer. Your head is in the clouds with your latest scheme, and it's sometimes difficult to get you back down to earth.

You are loving and passionate about those closest to you. You think with your heart.

ha! is this for real!? oh well, probably it is! my friends actually tells me that I often wants to have things perfectly arrange and I fret around if what I want didn’t happen or something. And yes, definitely I am a big time dreamer! Who can’t say no to big dreams when they are free to enjoy!

don’t drink and drive!

>> Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Do you often hear "do not drive if you are drunk"? It is a reminder that driving while intoxicated can bring you to a situation you'll never like or you will regret forever. You are lucky if you will not experience accident brought by your status. That is why driving under the influence of alcoholic beverage is prohibited by law. This law aims to protect every individuals that are traveling by land. Everyone of us usually pray for our safety while driving home. In cases that we need to drive even if we have drunk alcoholic beverage, we need to be careful and we should know that we need to face serious charges if we had been an offender of this law. It is nice to know that in times like this, there are Houston DWI lawyers that we can depend on. Madrid, Martinez and Associates are full of talented and reliable lawyers. They have a website, which you can visit anytime.

Starbucks, Sm Rosario is now OPEN!




Oh yes, you got that right! Our well coveted coffee house is now finally open over at the nearby SM Rosario! It was actually yesterday when they fully opened for the coffee drinkers and according to my coffee-crazed friend who really went there yesterday… she was actually quite surprised to see the place not really jam packed with people who wants to get to taste the flavorful coffee of the said shop… I wonder why… but nevertheless, it is now open! so I just hope to catch you there sometime :D

Oh, Ramon!

Now look on who’s on the cover of UNO magazine?! one of the top selling glossy magazine in the country today… who else?! but Ramon Bautista! Surprised?! well then, better be not! for he has been around the boob tube ads for sometime now and seeing him even in his dashing debonair looks isn't new after all… so really, it’s not all the looks or the outside facade that matters right!? we people are now well thought and more open minded when it comes to things like this… so yes, he is indeed the Man of the Year!

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