Enhancing My Skill

>> Saturday, June 11, 2011

A trying hard make-up artist is what I call myself because I do like to put on make-up.  When I am bored and I don’t have anything to do, I just experiment on putting on make-up.   Sometimes friends ask me to do their make-up for them like when they attend special occasions or parties.  I get happy and proud when I am able to do this. Now this made me come to realize that I might want to enhance this skill of mine. Maybe I can enroll in a beauty school like Wichita beauty school. By doing so, I can finally practice or if not perfect the art of putting on make-up.







***** This blog post was based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit Blogitive.com or contact Regency Beauty Institute – 8227 East Kellogg Drive, Wichita, KS 67207

plains & prints sale

Plains and Prints Sale

  • Plains & Prints End of Season Sale is from June 3, 2011 onwards.
  • Rich and Famous Boutiques are on Sale as well.
  • Valid at all Plains & Prints and RAF Boutiques Nationwide.
  • Designs and availability may vary from store to store.
  • Up to 50% OFF on selected items.

powerbooks sale





Powerbooks Clearance Sale





  • Powerbooks Mall of Asia Clearance Sale.
  • Up to 80% discount on imported books.
  • Sale period is from June 1 to 15, 2011 only.
  • X, XP items, and magazines not included.
  • No combination of promos including Loyalty Card program

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