New Look
>> Tuesday, September 30, 2008
I'm giving my blog a new look. Liked it?
Stories, Dreams, Advocacies, and more
I'm having a very furious emotions today!
Yes my dear blogging sis EDS is celebrating her Blog-sary. She's having a contest to share her blessing in her blogging for the past year! Nice thing that she took time to share it with us all her blogging friends! I hope to be lucky to win! Happy Blog-sary Friend!
All you have to do is:
1.) Blog about this blogsary contest (details below)
It’s Eds Blogsary! Join her contest and have some moolah on your paypal!
“Its time to let go, let go of your feelings. You know deep in your heart, you can’t win that person back because in the first place you never had that person. There is no point in hoping, because from the start it was hopeless. You must have been blinded by the care and affection that existed between you and that person, but you should have known that it was nothing. That person might have done those things to you out of respect or gratitude. Yes it is human nature to expect something to be returned when you give something. But when you give love, you should not expect that the love that you gave would be reciprocated. The more you expect something the bigger the disappointment would be. That person might have loved you but not in the way you want that person to love you.
The longer that feeling stays, the harder it would be to drive it out from your system. I would not say it’s easy, I know it would be so hard on your part, but that is the best for you. Time is a friend; it would help you heal all the wounds that loving that person have caused you. Let go, move on and love again.”
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