
>> Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I've been away from home for almost three months now. In every single day of that three months I have been fighting the urge to call you. But I don't know what with this day, I finally give in. Even at the first ring of the phone on the other line I was still hesitant. I was still trying to decide whether to pursue or just drop the call like what I usually do. But at the third ring, you answered. I guess you knew it was me. I try to find the first words to say. In few seconds I manage to say hi and asked how are you. You said, you're fine and asked me if I am okay here, and I answered back "I'm doing great".

Then there it goes, the precious nine minutes and fourteen seconds that we shared. It might be short, a bit sweet, full of laughter, cold at first but I guess it could be the happiest nine minutes since I left. I admit I missed you, I misses you a lot.

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