Mc Donald's Olympic Glasses

>> Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I finally got my Mc Donald's Limited Edition Olympic Glass. These are specially made contour glasses for Mc Donald's to welcome the 2008 Beijing Olympics. They are available for an additional P20.00 for every value meal that you purchase. As for me I spent 75.00 just to get this glass, but I adore it. The glass has a sports insignia embossed on the upper part opposing the Coca-cola logo. You can choose from 5 different sports namely, basketball, volleyball, archery, athletics and swimming. I got basketball, for a very special reason! hahaha! Nope, I just feel like getting a basketball logo for my first glass believe me! hahaha!

Sick Pau-pau

>> Monday, July 28, 2008

Would you believe that I am creating this post while on ERP training? With my team leader just a seat beside me. hahaha! Don't think that I am that "pasaway", actually they are having some technical problems for the system database that's why I have time to update my posts.

I am sick, I have coughs and colds. This is what I get from working too much. hahaha! Last night I went home at around 11:00 pm. It is not in my plans to work that much, but my long lost overtime partner May forced me to! (hahaha!) After days of absent to the overtime arena, she came back with a vengance! hahahaha! I guess she misses overtime so much.

E-heads:The Reunion

>> Sunday, July 27, 2008

I heard from the news that Eraserheads would be having a reunion concert. It has been years since their disbandment and a reunion concert would delight every e-heads fan. Eraserheads opened the door for new breeds of Local Bands during the early 1990s. Thanks to them, we have Rivermaya, Parokya ni Edgar, Kamikazee, Bamboo, Cueshe and others today. They became household names through their hit songs like "Pare ko", "Toyang", "Magazin", "Ligaya", "Minsan" (my favorite), "With a smile" (I also like this one), "Huling El Bimbo" (I love the video of this song) and "Alapaap" (I remember this was the song that prompted Sen. Tito Sotto to ask for boycott because according to him was suggestive of some vices) to name a few.

I was in high school when Eraserheads invaded the local music scene. Their song "Minsan" was my top favorite, because it speaks of friendship and how friendship remains in spite of distance and time. Unfortunately their friendship did not withstand the test of time. But good thing is that they will perform again together for the fans who became loyal to them. Can't wait for August!

Sayonara Tomodachi

>> Monday, July 21, 2008

He would always greet me Ohayo! (Good Morning in Nihongo) then he would tap me on my back (a tap that would make you choke with blood! Lol!). Our mornings would never be complete without hearing his shouting voice every morning, most especially during Monday mornings. Yes he shouts, but that is his way of endearment for everyone. He is the longest staying Japanese Staff in our company. He's been with Senju Phils. Family for the last 9 years, that makes him qualified to be an Immigrant! (hahaha!). He is Filipino in some ways, but he just don't admit it! hahaha! He is extraordinary, obsessive compulsive, temperamental, perfectionist, but loving. He is my tomodachi, my weight monitor, diet consultant and our Sales Manager, Hayato Mitazono.

At first, he doesn't like me, because he describes me as "Many-many speaking" (Read:TALKATIVE). But later on, we would laugh as if we are not in an office. Our favorite topic would you believe is Doraemon. We would sing the doraemon theme song and he would change the lyrics to Paula-emon or sometimes Debu-emon (Big). He would give me some weird souvenirs every time he would visit other places, like a magazine from Taiwan (How come I can read it? It was in Mandarin!), A weird looking Japanese Warrior (he also can't remember the name of that warrior!) and a bottle filled with shells and branches! And of course all the diet tea that he can find! The only person that gave me 3 dozens of roses for my birthday because he told me that if he would give me cake, I would just gain extra weight! ( I prefer the cake! hahaha!). When being photographed, he has this signature straight body! hahaha!I remember one time, he was being photographed for his Alien Employment Permit, he took time to wear his tie and fix his belt but unfortunately, the tie and the belt was not captured in the photo! oh how I wish to give you tickets to one of those Las Vegas Shows!

Definitely I would miss him terribly, we would all miss him. What I worry about him is that he is hypertensive and diabetic. That's why my last word to him is that he should avoid shouting and being angry so his blood pressure level would not go up.

I just wish him well and hope we would see him again. Sayonara Tomodachi! Okiotsukete!

Cakes for my Grand Aunt

>> Sunday, July 20, 2008

Last July 13 my Grand Aunt Anatalia celebrated her 70th birthday. I got a chance to bake the cake that are going to be used for her Birthday Wishes to be facilitated by her children.

I got the inspiration from my good friend Kathy's wedding cake. I made seven 5" round carrot cakes. I topped it with baby pink boiled icing and I used orange slices, kiwi slices and grapes for decoration. And for my finishing touches I tie a green organza ribbon around the cake. Viola! satellite cakes! I also used an old cake stand from my inaanak's birthday, just wrapped it with pink and green Japanese Paper. Noticed the candles that I used? I told my mom to buy birthday candles but she forgot so I had no choice but to use those slightly big candles lol!

Unfortunately I wasn't able to go the birthday celebration because I had my migraine attack, I just finished the cake then I really went to sleep after. But she understands, just like any Granny.

I miss you Part

>> Monday, July 7, 2008

My overtime partner May is currently taking up caregiver courses. She started last week and she's currently juggling her work and her studies. Hopefully after finishing her crash course she would immediately fly to Canada to fulfill her dreams. But for now, I'm missing her.

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