meds stuffs

>> Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My cousin start her clinical practicum this coming next semester, and she is actually studying and memorizing stuffs that can be found in the hospital. Funny because she even has all those medical supplies in their dining table when I arrived at their house earlier today, I actually got intruiged with the items that also made me realize that there were actually more than ten in the group that I don't actually know the name and the use for. One example are those tapes or wires or something. I thought that it was just patch or something, but no it was meant for those machine tests and all that is being attached to a wire or whatever it is called. But I'd probably more surprise if she brings home medical supplies! lol So where did my cousin got all her stuff? She actually ordered all of it online! yes, she does. From, a very well known online retailers of medical supplies, fitness equipments, medicines, baby and mommy supplies and other gears for medical purposes.


one word tag

I miss answering tags due to my long absence. Thanks Mae for this cute tag. I hope to enjoy answering this!

This is a ONE WORD tag and you can only answer with just one! It's not easy especially if you want to share more of the story. But it was fun answering. Copy and change the answers to suit you and pass it on. Be sure to tag the person who sent it to you!

Passing this on to everyone....

1. Where is your cell phone?
2. Your hair?
3. Your mother?
4. Your father?
5. Your favorite food?
6. Your dream last night?
7. Your favorite drink? Nestea
8. Your dream/goal?
9. What room you are in?
10. Your hobby?
11. Your fear?
12. Where do you want to be in six years? Europe
13. Where were you last night?
14. Something that you aren’t?
15. Muffins?
16. Wish list item?
17. Where you grew up?
18. Last thing you did?
19. What are you wearing?
20. Your TV?
21. Your pets?
22. Friends?
23. Your life?
24. Your mood?
25. Missing someone?
26. Car?
27. Something you’re not wearing?
28. Your favorite store?
29. Your favorite color?
30. When is the last time you laughed?
31. Last time you cried?
32. Who will resend this?
33. One place that I go to over and over?
34. One person who emails me regularly?
35. My favorite place to eat?


friendship flowers

Heartful thanks to my dearest Mye for sending me this beautiful flowers. You made me smile sis! Many thanks!

This tag is all about "FRIENDSHIP OFFERING" with someone whom you know, to someone whom you already knew or will know in the future, globaly.

::: Start copying here:::
Here are the rules for this tag;
1.) Copy the badge and put it on your blog,
2.) Link back who pass you this tag,
3.) Spread this tag to at least 7 or more bloggers who you think you are friend with.

”And lovely are the blossoms
That are tended with great care,
By those who work unselfishly
To make the place more fair.
And, like the garden blossoms,
Friendship's flower grows more sweet
When watched and tended carefully
By those we know and meet.
And, if the seed of friendship
Is planted deep and true
And watched with understanding,
Friendship's flower will bloom for you. “

I'm making my dear friends Kath, Lou, Yileen, Claire, Rose, Amy, Mommy Dharlz and all in my list by passing to them this flowers.



>> Saturday, April 17, 2010

I finally get rid of my mom's clutter in the kitchen area. My mom loves to keep everything. She keeps empty containers until they pile up the cabinets. She keeps dress and shirts even if it does not fit anymore. There was really a time that I want to submit a video of the house to the show “How clean is your house?” My mom cleans her house everyday but because of her clutter, the house looked over crowded. Her house looked as if it is not cleaned very often. I even see the print out of the research that I did on Cosmetology school in Arizona. I wonder why she still keeps those; does she have a plan of going to a cosmetology school? I doubt it! When she asked me to clean the kitchen pantry and cabinet last time, I did throw away everything that had to go. I was bit surprise some interesting things that she kept. Now I know why my father is annoyed every time he would see my mother’s pile of clutter. She freaked out at first but she can’t do anything I already gave away and throw her clutter. I know my father approved of what I did so he can have a space too in the kitchen cabinet to put his tools. But our victory is just temporary because knowing my mom, she would collect clutter again. And without me around she would have enough time to keep those.


6 weird things about me

I was tagged by the Amiable Amy a couple of days ago, but I'm just posting it now. I'm sorry dear :)

The RULES: People who get tagged need to write a blog post of 6 weird things about them as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 or more people you know to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says "you are tagged" in their comments and tell them to read your blog.

1. I don't like hot coffee. I usually drink iced-coffee.

2. I sleep in a free fall position. Laying in my front with my face facing on one side and hands around the pillow.

3. I don't drink wine :) I go for anything except wine.

4. I am a nocturnal person. I do more at night than in morning. I find it hard to sleep earlier than 1:00 am. I don't do overtime in the morning (except when necessary) but I can stay at the office up to 10:00pm or later.

5. I love hugging :) It cheers me up when I'm sad. It gives me comfort during down times. When I feel down I usually ask a friend to hug me.

6. Im hopeless romantic :) but I just don't admit it too often :)

Now I'm passing this to Kath, Memae, George, Mye, Peach, and Eds


super scribbler

Many thanks to the ever Amiable Amy! (hahaha! kahit nagkamali ako ng grab nung una! mwah sis!)

Thanks for appreciating my works! Naks!

Copy Here

So the rules every Superior Scribbler will name 5 other Super Scribblers.If you are named you must link to the author & the name of the blog that gave you the award. Then you must display the adorable award and link to This Post, which explains The Award. Finally you must visit this post and tell your name to Mr. Linky List. Then they will have a record of all the people who are Super Scribblers!

End Copy here.

Now I pass this all to my blogging friends to tell them how I really appreciate their work of art! Naks! Please feel free to grab this award!



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