first and current tag
>> Sunday, May 23, 2010
Thank you dharlz for this tag...
1. First piercing - Ears (still a baby when I had one)
2. First best friend - Eyps
3. First award - Math Quiz Bee I think
4. First crush - hahahaha! A.A.
5. First pet - Kuya Nanu! Joke! An arowana fish (that my kuya and I bought from our allowances and after three months, the fish jumped out of the aquarium and died!)
6. First big vacation - Baguio City (big na yan for me! hahaha!)
7. Eating - Cheezy Corn Crunch
8. Drinking - Water
9. I’m about to - finish a report prior to posting this
10. Listening to - The Warrior is a Child by Gary V. with Ninang Del humming with Gary
11. Plans for today - pick-up Kathleen's Gown, Grocery
14. Want to get married - Hope so! but if not ok na rin!
15. Careers in mind - Pastry Chef and perhaps a flower farmer on my retirement years
People previously tagged: Lisgold

Now am tagging : Kathycot, Kathy, Kath and Lou
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