The Pink Sisterhood Tag
>> Thursday, October 30, 2008
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Stories, Dreams, Advocacies, and more
My friends and I met for some sort of Dinner cum reunion. Although we are just four, Bush, Leo, Joanne and I; we really had a good time and good laughs. It’s good to reminisce the so called “good old days”. We’ve walked down the memory lane and try to recall all our adventures and misadventures.
The name of our barkada is “Pamilya Arkanghel”. We originally composed of more than twenty, but now were just down to less than ten, sometimes five and the worst four. Some migrated to the
The first thing that we laughed about was our high school romances. Some of the barkada are now married if not are into serious relationships. One of the single in the barkada is Leo simply for the reason that his standards are as high as the
Our barkada would always organized outings and Christmas parties most especially during those times that we are still intact. We had our great laughs when we remember our outing in a resort some where in Silang,
It really feels good to reminisce the good old days, how we wished that we could experience the same again, but unfortunately we cannot and all that we have are good memories that we can looked back.
Read more...I was asked, “Pau, are they having an affair?!” I was surprised and I also got myself thinking, do they really have an affair?
How to tell if they are really having an affair? Actually I believe that if our co-workers are having affairs, if it is not messing with their work and if we are not the HR and we are not being affected it’s none of our business. But naturally, we can’t help but talk about it. They say that a workplace is the number one breeding ground for illicit affairs. I agree with that because you and your co-worker are together for a minimum of eight hours a day, five times a week. Possibly a much longer time that one can spend compared to the time one could have for his or her partner. And in most cases the longer time we spend with someone the much more possibility that we fell for that someone, because certainly you’ll see more of that person, talk with that person, eat with that person etc. etc.
Going back to my question, how to tell if they are having an affair? I’m talking based on personal experiences and observations from all the previous company that I worked for and also my current company. It would all start with suspicions, we feel something different in them, the way they talk with each other, the way they approach each other and even in the way that they look at each other but mind you, your first suspicions would not always be the right pair, in some point you’ll be surprised to found out that you matched the wrong pair. Those having illicit work place affairs would try their very best to conceal their relationship basically because of consequences that they might face if it would come out. They may be charge with administrative cases such as immorality and others. They would be discreet in showing their affection and care for each other. But for an observable eye, no matter how discreet they are, you could still see it. Try to observe the way that they hand an item, try to catch their eyes. The affection, no matter how hard they conceal it, their eyes would always speak of it. Another to look for is the best buddy. They would keep it from everyone but there would always be a secret keeper in the company, the one that would be their accomplice. I have been a secret keeper before and to tell you, it is not an easy job, aside from your conscience always bugging you, you would also feel the burden of the relationship although you’re not the one directly involved with it. Usually this is the person that one may use as reason or alibi. The secret keeper could be his best buddy or her best friend, but don’t limit it to them, it could be anyone, but in most cases it is them. These persons can also be used to transmit messages if communicating is not possible. Another thing is, you could see them in your work place’s unexpected areas at unexpected hours. These are mostly areas where people seldom go. This could be a seldom used conference room, remote work area or even the backyard garden.
Before I really don’t believe in this, but when I saw the real thing, I realized it really exists. In my years of working in companies, I have proved that some of my observations are wrong, but most of the time it is right, some even admit it.
Thank you so much Amy for this tag! Now I pass this to Kath, Mommy Dharlz, Yileen, Rose and Mye
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#1. Scraps & Shots #2. Simply Jen 3. This and That 4. Fab & Chic Finds 5.A Slice of Life 6. Jenny Talks 7. Tech Stuff Plus 8. Food on the Table 9. Aussie Talks 10. When Mom Talks 11. Moments of My Life 12. My Crossroads 13. A Life in Bloom 14. Because Life is a Blessing 15. Digiscraptology 16. BLOGSILOG 14. Cherry's Comfort Zone 15. DigiScrapz: Captured Memories 16. Buzzy Me 17. Fab Finds, Etc. 18. Thinking Out Loud 19. Wishing and Hoping 20. PRC Board Exam Results 21. Jobs Abroad 22. My Blog Portfolio17. Race Corner 18. Life is Good and Beautiful 19. 20. Pau's Big Thoughts 21. Your Blog Here
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I received this award from Amiable Amy (Thanks sweety)
Once accepted, the rules would be as follows:
1. Put the logo on your blog;
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you;
3. Nominate 10 other blogs;
4. Add links to those blogs on yours;
5. Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs;
Now I'm giving this award to the following, keep it up girls! - Kathy - Rose - Lou - Mye - Yileen - Dharlz -Claire - Eds - Rosa - Peach
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