Fun Google Tag

>> Wednesday, December 24, 2008

I'm posting this very much late! Thanks Mommy Dharlz for understanding!

I had a good time answering this Mommy Dharlz!

"The rules are simple. Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of the results, and post it as your answer. After that tagged 7 people."

1. The age of my next birthday

Twenty seven years of existence in this world

2. A place I'd like to travel to

I really love to....

3. A favorite place

There's no place like home

4. A favourite thing
Books specially my Harry Potter Books

5. Favorite food

Anything with chocolates (tempting!)

6. A favourite colour

7. The place I live in.

Pure Blooded - Caviteña

8. The place I was born in

Municipality of Tanza home of the Holy Cross and the place where Pres. Emilio Aguinaldo took his oath as the 1st President of the Philippines

9. A nickname I had

10. College Major

11. Name of first lover

Next question Please !!! Hahaha! I never had one in my 27 years of existence hahaha! But I always been one!

12. A bad habit

13. Hobby

14. Current wish list

Happiness, double happiness

Now I'm tagging all my blogging friends!

Enjoy It!


amiable amy December 27, 2008 at 6:16 AM  

hehehe...bakit naman pag dating sa love, next query? hahaha...anyway, interesting answers

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