Depuy recall

>> Sunday, October 31, 2010



Due to high technology, there are lots of surgeries that really succeed and admit it or not, saving life is easier now that we have a high technology. But did you know that despite the high technological equipment we have, there are still surgeries that often failed at the first try? And as an example of it is the Depuy recall of DePuy Orthopedics last August 26, 2010. They recalled 93,000 unsuccessful hip replacement surgeries. As a victim of this, you may want to fight for the rights and claims that you are actually entitled to have. Well, this is seen by O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath firm. That is why they are offering their expertise to help you win your case. If you are ready, then you can visit their website anytime soon,

O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath – Personal Injury Lawyers – 808 West Avenue, Austin, TX. 78701 – 512-494-9949

artscow credits for 6 8x8 photo book!

Are you stuck for ideas on what to get for Christmas? Let me tell you, a picture is worth a thousand words. So imagine how many words a self-compiled photo book is worth to your friends and family. Claim six 20-paged 8” x 8” photo book credits and two 39-paged editions by simply validating the code below.




Coupon Code: 888BKS4U
Expiry Date: 11/8/2010
Effective Period: 30 days
TIP: Validate the code now and use the free credits on saved projects. Free credits will be automatically applied to your order.

and to show you some samples of my friend Kathy’s photo books – that she made herself – using pre-made templates! cute isn’t? New Picture (4)

I need to rest.

Message from God

As your body needs nourishment - food, drink, sleep, so does your soul need nourishment - sing, dance, love. Life is not all work, work is not all hard toil. Nourish your soul with the food that is right for it, for it is the altar of your own inner temple.

Save and publish this message to your wall.


----- so there, I need to rest and basically spend some time for myself as well. Been doing so much work and really, sometimes it just stressed me out. Thank you dear Lord for the reminder…

social media expert

>> Sunday, October 24, 2010

If you would ask me how is my social life? Well I would answer you right away that I don’t have one here. Since I left home 13 months ago I seem to forget what a social life is. As far as I remember social relation is an interaction among individuals. Before time to socialize you have to go to gatherings like parties to interact with individuals. But since world is changing and technology seems to be always evolving, it have given birth to what do they call social media. According to what I have read, social media is founded on the use of the worldwide web for interaction among individuals. And for those who lacks time to socialize and interact personally because of the demand of work, social medias like the Twitter, FB, FS, etc are of great help. Because of these I can still manage to be updated with my friends and relatives. And even manage to win build new friendships and maintain old ones without being in the same place at the same time. And because of the demands for social media there are some sites that offer social media marketing services like who offers to manage your social media accounts. They have a bunch of social media expert that would help you to manage your media accounts and provides social media solutions right at the palm of your hand. Very amazing indeed.

ppc management

I remember the movie click starring Adam Sandler. It was a story of a workaholic man who finds no time for his family. In order to find time he uses a remote to pose the happenings in his life so he could be there every time. Because of that movie I have realized the value of a click. Click is such a short and common sound but in that movie it was magnified as a very powerful force. Have you ever heard of the pay per click program? Where in there are words that are placed on a site and if you click it the one that placed it will earn. The more clicks on the said word has corresponding earning. Some even hire sites like for ppc management in their sites. It is kinda very technical but for laymen in the techie world like me they are the one who would help you to increase your web trafficthat would result more earnings. It seems like really one click is very powerful, before it was just associated with opening and closing of something like television, radio or electric fan. Then it was turn of the click of the mouse where in you could explore things with just one click. Now in just a click you can earn money, impressive indeed

car repair tools

I overheard this morning that our company driver is again complaining about our company microbus. It has been his agony for almost three months now. Since that microbus met an accident six months ago and underwent a machine overhaul and body restoration it was never the same again. I bet it all car repair tools are used in that vehicle since it has been in and out of the repair shop since that accident happened. It has always been a joke in our office that it would be better if we would just light it up and burn it, but of course that is just a joke because I think it carries something sentimental to the company that is why the management refuses to dispose it even if it runs out of automotive repair tools to be used. If only we can get a very good mechanic here I think there would be no problem. Because the dilemma here is that we cannot get a good one and of course don’t have the proper and up to date tools. That is why I will show this to our Maintenance In-Charge. There he could find not only quality and up to date car repair tools but also other maintenance tools like drill and others. I’m sure he will be overwhelmed because the site contains various well known manufacturers like otc automotive tools tools which he dream of having one.

seo packages

I don’t know what’s in me in these past few days. Maybe I am anticipating a very busy week ahead. I have to finish my reports days ahead before my deadlines because my boss would be out of the country for her annual vacation. If I don’t want to see her rage I should finish it ahead of the deadline or else I would die! Pondering so many thought in my head. Sometimes I think I am thinking too much. But they just pop out of my minds like SEO packages in the net. I don’t know if I avail of the organic search engine optimization in my head. I think about my work, I feel like I am already loosing patience with it. I always loved my work, but now why am I loosing my grip on it? Maybe because I am too far from my family who used to give me support and encouragement and also my friends who can turn my bad working day into a better one. When I came here I thought I made a wrong decision in living my pampered life and career back home for this. Thanks for words of wisdom from a mentor that I cannot just choose the people I will work with. Well enough of sentiments. I still have to go to to ponder on website optimization. This site is a heaven sent!

video marketing

I got a tag from my FB account. I was tagged to the video of my god daughter Olin who danced for their school’s 25th Foundation Day! While watching the video I can’t help myself but laugh when my dear god daughter was about to fight one of her classmate before dancing. I think she got irritated with her classmate and lost her patience and really tapped her classmate. Olin has such a temper, maybe he got it from his father whom I and my “kumare” call moody diaz. But she would still be my darling. And I am so excited for the other videos. I know I would still be having some more good laughs when I finish watching all her videos. We are all very lucky now days that there is video recording. Because of videos we could watch a scene over and over again until we want. Also video is a very important media. Videos can also be used for business and advertising. That is why the demands for video marketing agency have been very high. This has resulted for the birth of video marketing agency like that in they have packages for video marketing like the Graphic video package which is very nice and affordable. The videos marketing is in demand because it attracts the attentions of potential clients.

small but terrible

>> Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Are you bothered by small insects such as ants, termites, pests, flea or bees? Do you usually thought of “I can no longer live in this house; it is full of these unwanted organisms”. Well, before you get mad, accept this recommendation from me. Get and hire Bulls eye pest control, they are also known as the famous Houston pest control. They’ve got well-trained employees who are definitely had licenses and insurance. I assure you, they serve their clients with high quality in a very affordable price. Clients are left with a smile on their faces, with full satisfaction. After having their service, you will love to stay at your home in longer hours.


On this day, God wants you to know

... that when you pursue your dreams, every second is an encounter with God. Following your dreams opens your heart allowing God to enter and fill you with bliss. is Holding another Blog Contest!!

Round 2 for… and here’s what she’s about to give out


1st prize - Fossil Ladies Watch

2nd prize - Fossil Ladies Watch

3rd prize -Kate Spade kikay kit (orange)
1. Subscribe to my feed via email located right side bar (REQUIRED ) - 1 Entry
2. Blog about the contest along with the Prizes {You MUST include the Prizes and My link}- 5 Entries
- If you have multiple blogs, much better. Each blog post along with the Prizes -5 Entries.
3. Leave a comment in this post telling me what you did and give me the link of the blog post. 1 Entry.
4. Comment to any of my post. From Oct 12,2010 to Dec 18,2010 and you’ll have 1 entry each comment.
-Make it sure it's at least three word ! LOL And NO SPAMMING, PLEASE!

Autumn theme anti-bac from Bath & Body!

>> Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Give your sink a makeover with the NEW Anti-Bac Hand Soap fall fragrances. NEW Caramel Apple and NEW Creamy Pumpkin will take your sink from summer to fall with just one wash of your hands!

gold is power

Before, I always think of investing into something but I always feel this hesitation due to our economic condition nowadays. Until I found United States Gold Bureau, the first time I saw it, I am not interested. I thought I would just waste my money there. But the reputation of this bureau made me think twice and clearer, they educate me on how my investment in gold coins is worth trying for. I gave it a try and fortunately, I really gain! I have proven that investing in precious metals like gold is a win-win situation now as the stock market is really fluctuating. How about you? Have the courage to invest now and I tell you, you’ll never regret this decision.

new coach’s jewelry :D

Enchanting, exuberant, electric, eclectic: we're well-armed with Poppy jewelry. Dig into our treasure trove of new arrivals

Tervis Tumbler Sale

>> Monday, October 18, 2010                 

You asked and we listened! Early Birds Save Big - One Day Only- Wednesday, October 20. Stock up for the holidays with our biggest savings of the year online and in stores.

home talks

>> Thursday, October 14, 2010

Another year had past and we didn’t even notice that Christmas is coming again. It’s like it just happened last week, right? Most of the children are counting the days before Christmas. They are excited with the gifts to be given by Santa Claus, godparents and parents of course. But us, moms, before anything else, prepared ourselves to answer our loved ones’ needs for the winter season. Sweaters, coats and the like are already washed by this time. We usually prepare our home and garden for this specific season, we need to ensure that our environment’s temperature is good for our family.









With this, we usually tell our husbands to check if our heating system is still in good condition. If not, then we sort things out for what we can do. We might have our heating system fixed by professionals or we could buy items like outdoor fire pit. It is so fortunate that outdora site is available online to let us purchase items from them. If you are looking for items for your home and garden, outdora will help you a lot. They also sell outdoor heaters, which are very much needed nowadays to protect us from the cold breeze weather; it will even prevent our loved ones to catch colds and coughs. Not only that, they also get the best barbeque grills in town, we can’t celebrate Christmas season fully without having barbeques on our table, everybody loves barbeque. Are you a Christian? As Christians, we even wait for the early morning masses as this will be our preparation for Jesus’ coming. On Christmas Eve, it is very nice to enjoy the cold breeze of the night especially if we hear nature’s loving melody with the power of wind chimes also sold by outdora. So, why would you look further, if you can have what you want and what you need from outdora.

Survivor Celebrity Edition 2010

>> Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Halloween Masquerade at SM Makati

>> Tuesday, October 5, 2010



















Date: Oct. 31, 2010
Venue: SM Makati
Opens for all Fashionista Kids out there! Be Fab! Get Noticed!
Contact them for details: 892-0842


Besides the fruit’s and its flower's phallic shape, bananas, like honey, are rich in B vitamins and the enzyme Bromelain, which invigorates a man's libido and raises testosterone levels.

baja real estate

>> Sunday, October 3, 2010

If you want to live in an ideal location, let say near a sandy beach but not that far from your workplace then Aqua Residencial is the answer to your inquiry. You can choose from a wide variety of choices of property sizes that will suit your need or your family needs. If you want to live a place that is a great beachfront location that offers easy access to all amenities, then Riviera de Rosarito is the right place for you. These two residential properties are quite offering unique and best places in Mexico. You should contact baja real estate. They have also a website

friendship poem

Thank you so much Dharlz for tagging me with this meaningful meme. ... Love you Mommy Dharlz

We need friends for many reasons, all throughout the season. We need friends to comfort us when we are sad, and to have fun with us when we are glad. We need friends to give us good advice. We need someone we can count on, and treat us nice. We need friends to remember us when we have pass on...

Spread the poem of friendship.

1. Everyday Life 2. Words of Love 3. Sheng's Simple Thoughts 4. Pinay Mom Blogs 5. REALITIES 6. Glossa~licious 7. A Great Pleasure 8.Freedom 9. Claire 10. Cookie 11. Just the Tip of the Iceberg, 12. Pau's Big Thoughts 13. you

I'm passing this to all my blogging friends, thank you for adding color to my life :) Love you all

snagged from mommy author

Who was the last person you cried in front of?
♥ May, she caught me crying because of too much anger.
What are you listening to?
♥ my online playlist; current song is You Changed My Life In A Moment
Do you wear glasses?
♥ yes I do, only recently
Are you there for your friends?
♥ almost 24/7
Do you get along w/ girls?
♥ of course
Do you get 8 hours of sleep everyday?
♥ nope I find it hard to sleep for more than 3 hours
Are you a forgiving person?
♥ Yes I am but I thin the hard part is forgetting about it.
How is life going for you right now?
♥ somehow good and still manage to cope up for some shortcomings.
Do you believe what goes around comes around?
♥ yes it does
Who was the last person you ate with?
♥ my brother Paul
When was the last time you saw your dad?
♥ he's beside me right now, telling me to sleep.
Are you mad about anything?
♥ actually I'm just irritated by the unnecessary spending made by them (bosses)
Do you miss anyone?
♥ him...
What was the last thing you did?
♥ watch tv
Do you hate being alone?
♥ it depends on the situation. Sometimes it calls for moment to be alone
Do you drink more water or juice?
♥ water

saving up

>> Friday, October 1, 2010

Saving money nowadays is very difficult as we are facing global economic crisis. Most of our savings are coming out now. But before all of these came out with no use at all, start to invest into something that you will surely be benefitted. Have you noticed that stock market is going down at the moment? And are you aware that investing in gold coins is the best choice now? I have understood the relationship between investing in gold coins and investing in stock market through They are known to be non-correlated assets which means that if one is failing then the other one is rising and vice versa. Want to know more? Visit their website now!

Bayo I Am Cory Collection

I have always been a nationalistic person, that is why when I heard about Bayo carrying the late President Cory collection it made my heart skip a bit and really thought of buying a shirt or two for myself and my best friend as well. It’s basically flaunting how proud to be wearing and patronizing the late woman of democracy! indeed an Idol.

Coach for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October already? Time to think pink. In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we're donating 20% of every purchase from our positively pink collection to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF), a charity dedicated to prevention and a cure for breast cancer in our lifetime. Shop now for a great cause:At Coach!

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