For my guy this Valentines

>> Saturday, January 31, 2009

What comes next after the new year? Valentines Day! Now that the Valentines Day is just around the corner most of the people are now looking for the perfect Valentine gift. Why not go for a time piece that symbolizes the love that you are sharing? This year I'm planning to get a time piece for special someone this Valentines. I looked around for casio watches and found this Casio G1000D-7A Men's G-Shock Analog Chronograph Silver Dial. It is shock resistant and water resistant that suites my sporty guy. It got a daily alarm and an auto calendar so he would never be late in dates, in work and in picking up times. Its neo-bright luminous hands would help him track the time even in the dark so there would be no excuses that he lost track of time when being asked to go home early.

I'm sure he would love it, the only problem for me is to find that sporty guy that is never late in picking me up and would always go home early if I would ask him to. I should work overtime, I don't have much time, its barely two weeks before Valentines! LOL!

Old Friend

We have not spoke for a long time, We have not seen each other for such a long time. She drops by my blog, she sends messages, I do reply sometimes. But when we came face to face it was different.

The wall collapsed and I felt that we were back in the days when we used to teach her how to cook. She can't even fry an egg before and maybe now she cooks the best meals for her family.I remember the dinners and meals that we shared, corned beef and spam when we are too lazy to cook. There was a time that we forgot to spare some for her pet dog "Buloy". The popcorns and endless stories that we shared. The surprised eighteenth birthday that we planned with her (how come it was a surprise!). The getaways with her red car. The letters, the letter that she gave me and Joanne on our high school retreat written in a long violet cartolina that she cut and pasted together.

One thing was clear, I missed her, I missed her so much. I missed her stubbornness, her sweetness.

Cuppies for Olin

>> Friday, January 30, 2009

It was God daughter Olin's birthday last Saturday. The little brat turned two and her parents decided to give her a very intimate Dora-themed party. Her mom asked me to help her make some cup cakes to match the cakes. The colors that she requested was orange and yellow. I thought I would not get the orange because my pantry only has yellow, green and red colorings. Well I just mixed the red and the yellow and I got the good shade of orange. I was surprised with the great color combination. Its just that transportation caused the little disasters on some of the cuppies. Never the less they still taste great! Too much bragging by me :)


Getting him a date

>> Thursday, January 29, 2009

Yesterday was the wedding of one of the oldest bachelor here in the office. I always kidded him that why did he have to wait for him to turn forty to get married. With him being married, the throne of being the oldest unattached bachelor now belongs to Kuya Tan. And during the wedding reception he was the one who caught the garter and as we all know according to the superstitions, the one who caught the garter would marry next. But he told us that he don't think it would work for him because he caught the garter many times already but still he haven't find her lady love. I told her to try Dating Directory. He seems to be choosy that's why I told him that it would be very suitable for him. It come with the widest range of dating sites directories. They are classified according to one's needs and wants so it would be easy for him. And since he is a Christian I told him that he would find in this page the list of dating sites that features Christians like him. Aside from that he could also choose by age, by ethnicity, by region, by interest and even by sexual preference! He could compare the dating sites that he could find and choose what's the best for him. He is not getting any younger, he should work overtime! Better he should do it triple time, now that Valentines Day is just around the corner!

Chocolates from Kathleen

>> Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Got package from Vienna last couple of weeks, Kathleen sent me chocolates (she knows my weakness!). Thanks dear!

Getting my new muffin pans

>> Saturday, January 24, 2009

Last Christmas, I got a lot of orders for my banana crumb muffins. Unfortunately I have to decline the orders mainly because I did not have the time to bake. It was end of the year and the paper works are piling at my desk. All I have was a little time during the vacation. I cannot maximize the little time that I had because I only have four muffin pans which I just alternately use. I f only I can get four more so while the first four are baking inside the oven I can fill up the another four. It was another great opportunity that I just let go. Now I'm regretting it.

So this year I decided to purchase some new bake wares to expand my resources. I know I don't have too much time to lookout for every store to canvass for a great deal for the new set of bake wares that I would like to purchase.Good thing a friend lead me to this kitchen ware shopping site. They have been a great help for me because they got a product buying guide that really helped me in choosing the bake ware that I need. For me it is a sort of investment that's why it is important that I know what is suitable and practical for me. They got list of stores where I could get them at great and reasonable prices. I saved time and got the best deals! I was very happy! And because of the great deal that I got I'm thinking of getting a new bigger wall oven and a stand mixer. Baking is my passion, it relaxes me and it helps me to release the stress and tensions that I feel. So it think it is just reasonable for me to give in to my craving for better tools and appliances for my craft. It is not too much, do you agree?

Factory Blessing Pictures

>> Friday, January 23, 2009

As I have promised, I'm posting the pictures taken during our factory warming yesterday.

Ribbon Cutting, thanks to Mama Joy for the ribbon.

Inside the office

Playing around the production area with Ebukuro San!

Hallway leading to the paste area, cannot enter inside the area, strictly prohibited.

Outside the factory

Warehouse Area

for more pictures go to my flicker account :)

Party prep made easy

I was unofficially assigned by my loving boss as party organizer, due to the success of the farewell party for Mitazono San last year. Last Christmas, we thought of having a themed party for our annual Christmas Party. But due to the time constraint, the plan did not pushed through. If only I have discovered early, maybe we had an Oscar Awards-themed Party. This year I would definitely go for an Oscar Awards Night Theme. With the help of the ideas that I got from the site I know it would be very easy. They got all the things that would be needed in having the themed party. From the invitations, which is inspired by the Oscar Statute to the table centerpieces up to the decorations, they got it all. I bet my bosses would love the idea of giving awards for, I already thought of the name for the awards to be give. Fernando Awards would be nice, named after our Sales Manager. I would also allot time for acceptance speeches, I think we would all have our biggest laughs. I just wonder how would the production boys would look like in their tuxedos since I never seen them to wear formal outfits. I always see them in their tattered uniforms and safety shoes. For the food, I would just have to leave it all to the hotel kitchen staffs to look for Oscar party recipes that I would request them to prepare for us. Can't wait for December!

Finally factory was blessed

We just had our factory blessing this morning. After a year finally they have decided to have the building blessed because of the supernatural activities news that are circulating around the office. Sightings, mysterious sounds and hair raising experiences trigger the decision. Although we only got barely two days to prepare, everything went smoothly. Although there are some bloopers, which I guess are always present. I'll post pictures next post, I haven't transferred the pictures yet.

Easing Your Moving

>> Thursday, January 22, 2009

Moving is for most of us is really a headache. But as the saying says, the only thing constant in life is change. Once in our life we will be moving, some more than once. One of my dear friend moves more than three times last year because of his job. And during his move from one place to another he would always complain on the hassles of moving. And now that he is relocating to a place miles away from his previous home, he is thinking of how to make his moving a breeze. The timing of relocating is bad; his work requires him to work overtime because they have to give more attention on gaining more clients due to the worsening economic crisis. He cannot differ his moving anymore because it would mean more expenses and more time to be wasted. One thing that he also worries is the transfer of some of his bills to his new address. And also he would like to transfer some of his utility accounts like his phone and his broadband connection. Also he is finding a hard time choosing for moving companies. I recommend him This site guarantees to make moving as simple as possible for him. They offer several services for movers like, removal and storage, management and transfer of utilities, planning and other miscellaneous services that may cause headache to movers. They also recommend the best removal companies that one can choose from and is assured that his belongings and properties are safe. Se can ask or arrange what if ever the properties to be moved are insured in case of accidents, like breaking his best china wares or a scratch from his valuable paintings while moving it. I encourage him to consider a removal company since he is just moving a lot of bulky things in his newly purchased house. In, he can inquire online for all the services that he needs. They would provide quotations to you online and fast, and since he is too much busy at work, it is very much suitable for him. They usually find the movers that are near to your place so they would be familiar and the risk of getting lost is minimal. I hope I could help him arrange those things but just like him, my office reports are piling up so I really have to work double time. So I just told him to consider as my substitute, I just hope he don’t do it very often.

Mini Kathy

I transferred my god daughter Olin's pictures the other day. This is just one of her pictures taken when she visited me and May at the office. I gave her my Christmas gift, an envelope as requested by her Mom (hahaha!). I loved her expression in this picture and I put some bubble thoughts and comments. She really inherited her moms antics!

Ring for a lifetime

>> Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Wedding ring is an investment. It symbolizes lifetime promise to the person that one chooses to be with for the rest of his life. Choosing a wedding rings should be as scrutinized as picking your lifetime partner. It should last a lifetime like the promise that you and your spouse made on your wedding day. offers titanium wedding rings. Titanium rings are known for its strength, resistant to corrosion and light weight. They have classics, inlaid and stone set ring designs that you can choose online. The rings also com with a lifetime warranty and free engraving. I have have recommended this domed hammered finished titanium ring to a friend who just proposed to his girlfriend of five years. He could also consider black tungsten rings which are scratch free and cobalt free. I bet he would also buy matching titanium bracelets for him and his fiancee.

I got two today!

EDS tagged me with this. Thanks sis! :)


The Rules for the Tag are:

1. You need to list five addictions that you have.

2. You have to pass this to five (5) or more people with fabulous blog.

Here are my five addictions:


-Iced Coffee and ice-cold beer



-Snow! hehehe!

Now, I ‘m passing this to Kath, George, Amy, Mye,
Rose, Peach and Mommy Dharlz

Got this from Amiable Amy... Thank you so much dear!

Honest Scrap Award Rules

When accepting this auspicious award, you must write a post bragging about it, including the name of the misguided soul who thinks you deserve such acclaim, and link back to said person so everyone knows he or she is real.

Choose a minimum of 7 blogs that you find brilliant in content or design. Or improvise by including bloggers who have no idea who you are because you don’t have 7 friends. Show the 7 random victims’ names and links and leave a harassing comment informing them that they were prized with “Honest Weblog.” Well, there’s no prize, but they can keep the nifty icon. List at least ten honest things about yourself. Then, pass it on!

10 Things About Me:

1. I love videoke nights. Singing, drinking and chatting in just one night.
2. I work in a Japanese Manufacturing Company that manufactures soldering materials
3. I am single and unattached for the past 26 years hahaha! but still happy!
4. I am submissive
5. I am not confrontational
6. I am sensitive but sometimes insensitive to others
7. It takes a lot to make me cry.
8. I trust too much sometimes
9. I laugh hard, that's what I do all the time.
10. I always give love

Passing this on to Kath, Eds, George, Mye, Mommy Dharlz, Rose and Peach

The change has come to America

>> Monday, January 19, 2009

I would like to quote some of the lines in his victory speech.

"The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep. We may not get there in one year, or even one term, but America — I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there. I promise you: We as a people will get there."

"This is our chance to answer that call. This is our moment. This is our time — to put our people back to work and open doors of opportunity for our kids; to restore prosperity and promote the cause of peace; to reclaim the American Dream and reaffirm that fundamental truth that out of many, we are one; that while we breathe, we hope, and where we are met with cynicism, and doubt, and those who tell us that we can't, we will respond with that timeless creed that sums up the spirit of a people: Yes, we can."

Yes he is indeed right, the road ahead is very long. We all hope that change would meet America and the whole world at the end of the road. Good luck to the new president!

She is back!

>> Saturday, January 17, 2009

My favorite local chef is back on local TV! I saw her tonight promoting her show on of the local channels. By watching her show years ago, I gained an interest in baking. I was thinking of enrolling in her baking classes but my workload and schedule won't permit me. She was out for a while in the TV scene but now that she's back I promise my self not to miss any of her show's episode. I'm looking forward for more recipes of baked goodies. I can't wait for it!

Finding the best car parts

If you own a car, probably one of your headaches aside from the rocketing prices of gasoline would be maintenance. Having a car is such an investment. Now that the economy is not doing well, and earnings are not that big, purchasing car parts would be a pain in the pocket. That is probably one of the main reasons why it is practical to resort in purchasing used car parts. 24/7 Spares offer quality but cheap used car parts. It is the leading online retailer of used and new car parts. Probably it was the reason why it was ranked six in the "hitwise" category for Automotive Shopping Online. They got inventory of parts for most of the car models and brands. Whether European, American or even Japanese car, you can find it in their site. If you want to purchase parts from them, it would be breeze. You just log on to their site, fill out a part request form. You'll be asked for the details of your car, the part details that you need and your contact details. Once that the part is available they would inform you by phone. In as early as two days you'll receive a package of the parts that you have requested. If you are not sure about the model of your car, don't worry they have a database wherein you would just enter your plate number and they would retrieve the car model and brand. It would be a great relief for car owners. As we all now taking care of a property like a car is like taking care of our family. All that we want is the best, and 247 parts is guaranteed to give you the best.

Triplet Award

Got this from my dearest blogging sister Rose! Thanks sis! I would always be here to support you! Mwah!

There are a lot of things that I should be thankful for. Having friends from the blogging world is one of them. I would like to give them this award to show how grateful I am for meeting them.

To Kathy- my mentor in blogging, my slap to reality friend, the sister that I never had
To George- for the secret and more secrets that we shared.
To Mommy Dharlz- the first person who gave me an award for blogging
To Claire- one of the first blogging friend abroad
To Lou- one of the first who sent me a message via my Cbox.
To Amy- one who always shower me with awards and appreciation.
To Mye- who is also a working girl and wide reader like me.
To Rose- for all the support and heart warming comments.
To Eds- it was in her blog where I first joined a contest.
To Peach- my co-plurker :)
To Kuyanin- my first male blogging friend.

and to all my friends! feel free to grab!

Here are the rules for the recipients:

1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate at least 10 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude!
3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.

Birthday Gift

>> Friday, January 16, 2009

When I looked at my planner I saw a note that said that a cousin of mine would be celebrating his birthday at the end of the month. For sure we would be driving at his home and have dinner with his family to celebrate his birthday. I'm trying to look for appropriate gift for him. He has been with the police force for more than three years now, so I thought of giving him 5.11 Tactical accessories that could be useful for him. I think he would love a brand new holster, he collects a lot of them. I also thought of giving him tactical phone case for his mobile phone since he never leaves without it. Maybe his wife uses it to know his where about and if he is really on duty and not on extra duties lol! I know he would give his biggest laugh if he would read this!

Chinese Horoscope

>> Thursday, January 15, 2009

I was born June 20, 1982. I am a Water Dog.


Dog Year Borns: (1910, 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006)

Good Personality Traits: Faithful, Loyal, True and Good Friends.

Bad Personality Traits: Obstinate, Selfish, Eccentric and Stubborn.

Dog's Compatibility: Tiger, Horse and Rabbit.


Chinese Horoscope for Dog in the year says that these people will have a great career advancement and financial situation (I hope so...). According to Chinese Astrology, the Dogs are most likely to face job changes in the year 2009 (Hmm, what kind of job changes? ). They need to plan carefully in financial situations to gain most out of them in the year of Ox. (Earn and save! ) Marriage is on cards for many Dogs in this year (Really? Hmm, let's see...). In short, love will be in air for the Dogs in 2009. This year, the Dogs will be seen constructing something or cleaning something for betterment . Dogs are advised to leave aside worries this year and go ahead with their set standards (moving on? moving forward?) . According to the Chinese Horoscopes, Dogs are most likely to experience stability this year. Dogs working as freelancers and entrepreneurs will be blessed with good luck in terms of money and status in the year of Ox. On the other hand, Dogs working under someone can expect good promotions this year (wow promotions!). This year, the Dogs are likely to achieve a higher social standing. Dogs are advised to take care of their digestive system in 2009, especially in September and December. Dogs born in March, June, September and December might fall a prey to digestive ailments (Oh my!). Chinese Horoscope for Dogs says that friendship will play an important role in their lives in 2009. They are going to make new friends, who will help them in many phases of life. Overall 2009, according to Chinese Astrology will be a memorable one for the Dogs.

Early Valentine Gift Hunting

The Christmas holidays are now over and the first month of the new year is half way finished. It only means that Valentines is just around the corner. For most single and unattached like me Valentines may seems to be an ordinary day. But for those who have special someone as early as now they are starting to look for valentine gifts .And probably the most popular gift for this occasion are valentine flowers. It has been tested by times that flowers would always bring smile to a woman's face. Roses, tulips, carnations, and others seems to be touching a woman's heart in a very special way. Now you can have them delivered anywhere your loved ones maybe. With just dialing a number over the phone you can tell someone how special she is by sending her a bunch of flowers. I remember last year, flowers are flowing at our office lobby. But for those who want to deviate from the traditional and want something unusual , they can try find other unique gift ideas .How nice if I could also receive gifts and flowers this coming Valentines but unfortunately, cupid's arrow haven't landed on me. I think this year I would still be counting the flowers that would be pouring in our office. Its alright, who knows in time!

Biker's dilema

Every morning one of the first obstacle that I face is traffic. Now that our working hours was changed from 8:00 am -5:45 pm to 7:30 am -6:00 pm we became more vulnerable to morning traffic. That is why motorcycle is very marketable now a days. Very fuel efficient, no traffic and sleek. No wonder many are hooked in having one especially the men. Sometimes I would like to believe men are gaining more interest in bikes rather than girls. And they are not just satisfied with having a bike. They are dying to put some modifications and accessories on it. One time I passed by our two workers. I was on my way to our warehouse to oversee some documentations. I overheard them exchanging talks about honda motorcycle parts that they are planning to put on their bikes. I saw them pulling out pictures of grips, chrome accessories, lights and other bike parts. They are very much into it and they did not notice their boss is coming to them. They are very much lucky that I manage to warn them by greeting the manager at my highest and loudest voice. Maybe the manager was surprised that I actually put too much effort in greeting him knowing that I don't normally do that. Now they owe me something! When I passed by again on my way back to office the two gave me their sweetest smile and their sincerest gratitude. I just gave them my biggest laugh and told them that they were damn lucky. I think they owed me a ride home dont you think?

Teasing them

>> Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The "Desperate Housewives" of Senju are excited for this... hehehe! This would elevate their excitement more!

Sick again

I am sick. As I am typing this post my eyes are teary, I got a runny nose and slight fever. I guess my body finally gave up. since the year has started, I worked for more than 10 hours a day. Actually we have no choice but to work double time. Financial audit would start in a month and we haven't close our books.

Earlier my boss advise me to take Vitamin C to boost my immune system. Now that the nights are extra colder, I'm very much vulnerable to colds. But too late, it caught me! Now I have to deal with this. I can't afford to sacrifice one working day!

Vanity for men

Before, being vain is always associated with women. Now a days vanity is no longer exclusive for the females. Members of the male species are now beginning to be aware of cosmetic surgeries. They are begging to show interest in various cosmetic surgery procedures like nose reshaping, ear reshaping, male chest reduction and of course liposuction. I have a male friend who would always told me that maybe it's time for him to try cosmetic surgery to upgrade his market value that is beginning to depreciate because of aging and stress. He is very much interested with nose reshaping. So he asked me to help him do some research on cosmetic surgery for men. MYA cosmetic surgery offers a range of cosmetic surgery for men. They have a line up of the experienced cosmetic surgery surgeons who are practicing cosmetic surgery for the male gender. One nice thing about this site is that they have free consultations where in the surgeons themselves would discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the procedure. Inquiry for prices and the step by step procedures are also being discussed on consultations. It is an advantage that the surgeons are hands-on starting on consultations because the would be patient would be assured that the information that he would get are correct and not just handed on information. Cosmetic surgery would be a great help for men who are starting to lose self esteem which every man should have to survive the stiff competition in their world.

Office News for the day

>> Tuesday, January 13, 2009

News that circulate currently here at the office:

1. Kuya Tom, the oldest bachelor in the whole factory is getting married finally! I wonder why he had to wait for him to turn forty before getting married! Hahaha! And now his title of being the oldest bachelor is being transferred to Kuya Tan. I wonder if Kuya Tan is feeling the pressure right now.

2. The movie of Angel and Piolo. Love me again (land down under) is bringing the level of excitement of Mama Del, Ate Cons and She to the highest level.

3. Every day stories of Sir Jun about customers closing down, cutting work days. Every day, the numbers are multiplying. Fear on our part is rising.

4. Suspension order for Manny. Accessory to theft was his case, but he is not accepting his Disciplinary Action. My stand, well why it should happen at this time. Working days are reduced to 11 days and if ever he would be sanctioned, it would be cut to probably 9 days per cut-off. How could he and his family get by with his earnings? The offense is vrey minimal, I don’t say that he should be tolerated but there are other penalties that would be just for not. Suspension is too hard and heart breaking. And would it be reasonable to bring to court an incident of removing a door stopper so the other one can bring it home? A door stopper which probably cost less than 10 dollars.

Happy Birthday Mita San

Today is the birthday of my best tomodachi/ojie-san/former boss Mitazono San. Called him this morning and greet him Happy Birthday! We really miss him so much. His angry voice that usually welcomes us every Monday morning! Happy Birthday Mita san!

Costume Party

When my bestfriend Joanne was still in the planning stage of the birthday party for his son Lance her Tita Cit suggested why not have a Costume Party! Well not a bad idea! Much to my excitement I started brainstorming for my would be costume. I got plenty running in my head, I love to be a gypsy or perhaps Little Red Riding Hood, or a milkmaid! I was even bugging every one in the house and asking what would be the best for me. My brother told me why not look for Halloween Costumes at the net. I thought my options for costumes would be limited due to my very much full figure. But to my surprise the site have a wide array of choices for different costumes not just for Halloween. It has costumes for Children, Adults and Infants. They also have choices for wigs, make-up, hats, mask, decorations and even pets that would complete your wardrobe of choice. One good thing about the site is that you can filter your choice by different categories. You can also filter the choices by figure type, whether for full figured persons or for sexy ones. I choose this Mother Superior costume. Well not that evident but I used to dream of becoming a nun when I was a child. Now that I have grown up, I told my self that no convent would be accepting me! I'm too hyper for a convent so just even for a day I could be a nun because of this costume. Enough for my excitement for the party to think that it is still not final. Now I have to look for a Kids Costumes for Brent and a matching Adult Costumes for his Mom for their program at school.

Highschool days

Me and some of my high school barkadas met last night. Our group has two prized possessions. Two albums containing pictures from our outings, field trips, retreats, school events etc. and a Journal which contains the group's famous lines, funny nicknames, members' worse habits etc. Finally after eleven years I got a glimpse again of those pictures. Looking back, I realized that we have grown up. As we compare our physical attributes before and now we had our loudest laughs. Those who were skinny before are now doubled in size. Good thing I was on the plus size even before so there not that big comparison! Lol! More pictures to post soon! More glimpse of my high school days. Can you guess where am I in this picture? Did I improve? hahaha!

Banana Pie from Boss

My boss went home to Japan for his usual Christmas vacation. He also took the time to have his vaccination for flu. And of course the thing that is synonymous with his trip are the Omiyage (presents/souvenirs). Now he got us this cute banana pies. I asked why the hell are these called pie, but they looked more like biscuits, more similar to Cebu's otap. He just laughed off and shook his head so I just dropped off the argument. And before the cookies/pies arre distributed I manage to took some picture. The packaging is nice, I love it!

Upgrade for our Den

>> Monday, January 12, 2009

I was thinking of having furniture for our den. Now that the year has come to a close and the pressures of work and reports are starting to pile at my desk, I think it would be nice to relax on cold nights. Having coffee and my tasty muffins and cookies while listening to my choice of music would help me regain the energy that I lose at work. Relaxation is essential for me to cope up and meet my deadlines. It would also be good for those small talks that my friends and I share every time they would drive at our house for dinner and bonding times. I browse for furniture sites and I happen to drop by this furniture site that has a range of Conservatory Furniture. I prefer their Rattan Furniture for my deck. The designs are contemporary and nice which I always prefer. The cushion seems to be very comfortable and they have wide selection of fabrics to be used. Appropriate for long seating times, which my friends and I always have because of the never ending stories about work, family and others that we share over foods and drinks.. And rattan has been known for its durability. In these times, durability of the furniture that we would be planning to purchase should be considered for us to save money for repairs and other maintenance. I’m sure my mom would love my idea of having this furniture, can’t wait to tell her!

Fabulous Award from Amy

>> Saturday, January 10, 2009

The ever amiable Amy gave me this "fabulousa" award! Thanks girl!

I pass this award to all my blogging sisters!

Baked again

>> Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I finally touched the oven again last New Year Eve. I haven't been baking for a long time. I made 5 dozens of these banana crumb muffins. Mom was very happy that she gave away the 3 dozens to some of our relatives and hoard the remaining two dozens. My mom love these muffins that she would always nag on me to make those.


I was surprised when one of my Japanese Boss handed me these. I was from Mitazono San, one of my Japanese boss before whom I've became close. I was surprised! Arigato Gozaimasu Mita San!

New year, new start

I'm starting my year good.

I hope for a great year ahead not just for me but for everyone.

This year I hope for the following:

-Love my self more, I think I have taken my self granted for the past years and maybe it not being selfish to love yourself more.

-More talk time with God. Last year I was too busy that I neglect my duties as Catholic. This year I would make sure to devote more time to the one whom I owed everything.

-More time for my family, more bonding moments.

-Save, lessen expenses. Recession is not yet over.

-Start a small business, extra income. But as of the moment I haven't think of anything.

-Commit more to my work. Finish reports on time. Avoid penalties. I can't afford unsolicited Saturday offs again.

-Travel. Out of the country would be great but trips around the country would be fine.

-Reconnect to old friends, lost friends. Make new ties, win new friends, real friends.

-To be wiser in making decisions to avoid mistakes.

-Sleep, more sleep and more sleep. I wish I could increase my sleeping time during weekdays.

-Be more sensitive to the need of others

-Be happy and optimistic in life. Life is short, we should all make every minute of it worthy.

Starting 2009 with awards

>> Monday, January 5, 2009

Got these awards from Amy.

It feels so good to start the year with these awards.

Thanks friend for these! Continue to make others' days and inspire us with your stories and more.

Now I'm passing these to all my friends in my blog roll, continue to inspire me!

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