Black Eye punch - Perfect Halloween Cocktail!

>> Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Black Eye punch is a terrific and frightful beverage to serve at your Halloween party.

To concoct this wicked brew you’ll need to combine:

2 cups of sugar

3 quarts of water with

1 13 ounce envelope of unsweetened grape soft drink mix

1 13 ounce envelope of unsweetened orange soft drink mix

Stir until all of the ingredients are completely dissolved.

Right before serving, add in 1 liter of ginger ale and several pieces of eyeball candy to float on top of the punch.


Handful Birthday Invitations

My friend Kat told me about the Party Invitations that another friend has brought to her house earlier today, and told me that one of the 5 kid birthday invitations is for me and my nephew. But the thing is, I won't be able to attend the party, because I'm million miles away from them. Anyways, speaking of the birthday invitation, she also told me that it is a actually a photo invite of my Godson. How I wish to be able to attend his first natal day.

Anyways, as I talked about party invitation... do you know that CardsPersonalized ( is very well raved about their funkiest and coolest birthday invites online?! Simply because they offer the best of an online card shop can offer like You Can Add a Photo, Picture or Logo to Any Card on Their Site and their Print and Ship Your Order the SAME DAY it is Approved policy. In fact, I have made a couple of orders from them sometime last year, and was really glad with the outcome!

twin awards

>> Sunday, September 27, 2009

Cutie Mye gave me this award. My apologies Mye for posting it too late. Thank you so much dear! MWAH!

Here it is:

1. Each blogger must post these rules.
2. Each blogger starts with ten random facts/habits about themselves.
3. Bloggers that are tagged need to write ten facts about themselves. You need to choose ten people to tag and list their names.

Here's my 10 random facts about myself.

1. I read a lot.
2. I always fell from stairs. Stairs + Pau-pau = Disaster
3. I got suspended from work for 20 days because of penalty on taxes. Thank God its over!
4. I learn how to drive a car at the age of 15 when gasoline is still Php 11.00 per liter.
5. I don't write in cursive, I always write in print.
6. I have a 300+ - 25 vision. Weird isn't it? I don't wear my glasses, I'm stubborn.
7. I have a big mole at the center of my head, I had it remove three years ago.
8. I can't wink my right eye.
9. I studied Nihonggo Language for about three months but don't ask me if I can speak it fluently.
10. I don't drink wine. I go for beer, brandy, and any alcoholic drink except for wine.

This Friendship Award came from my sis Rose. She always drop by my page and give me some love. I love you so much Sis!

"May there always be work for your hands to do, may your purse always hold a coin or two. May the sun always shine on your windowpane, may a rainbow be certain to follow each rain. May the hand of a friend always be near you, may God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you."

Now I'm passing this twin award to all my blogging friends. Please free to grab! I love you allT

Banofie Pie from boss

My boss went home to Japan for his usual vacation. He also took the time to have his vaccination for flu. And of course the thing that is synonymous with his trip are the Omiyage (presents/souvenirs). Now he got us this cute banana pies. I asked why the hell are these called pie, but they looked more like biscuits, more similar to Cebu's otap. He just laughed off and shook his head so I just dropped off the argument. And before the cookies/pies arre distributed I manage to took some picture. The packaging is nice, I love it!

vending biz!

When I was still working in the hospital, you'll often see me buying and getting stuff from the vending machines, be it coffee, chips, candies and even canned sodas. I dunno, maybe I just love inserting bills and the clicking sound of the buttons every time I use that huge machine. And I feel so terribly bad whenever the machine is out of service or was not refilled with contents. And then I realized that if given a chance, I'll probably enter this type of business in the future. And this I found while searching about this future business idea from - what I like about this company are the sleek designs of their vending machines, the candy machines are the coolest! Look at their samples, so nice - it dispenses a whole lot of stuff even small toys! it'll sure to be a great hit with kids :D

Top 5 Woman Tag

Bridgitte has tagged me with this special Top 5 women tag!

("Make A List of 5 WOMEN you admire the most" Who's on the list? Are they women who have accomplished what they have dreamed of? Are they women loved and respected with equal passion? Are they women who make apologies for neither their sex nor their sexuality? You may choose from your family, friends, government, entertainment and everywhere. You may not realize it, but you are on the list.)

The 5 Women that I admire most:

1. Oprah Winfrey-I admire because of her strong will and determination. In spite of the hardships and not so good experience that she encountered in her road to her success it never hinder her to strive more and continue to pursue her dreams. Now from being the girl wearing potato sack as dress, she became the most influential woman in the world. She always reminds me that no matter how many hardships and problems we encounter, we must never stop achieving our dreams. And one thing more, she always look back from where she came from. Maybe that's why she is so blessed because she got a very good heart.

2. Atty. Katrina Legarda-She is a prominent lawyer in the Philippines. She specializes in family law and a known woman's right advocate. Strong willed and woman of principle. She reminds me that no woman should be dependent on men.

3. The late Princess Diana- I admire her because she is a true beauty inside and out. Her advocacy and willingness to help people really captures my heart. It really breaks my heart when she passed away more than a decade now.

4. Mother Theresa of Calcutta- She is a Nobel Peace Prize winner that selflessly devoted her time to the poor and the needy. Pro-life advocate which I admire.

5. My mom. She raised us to be good Christians. She loves us unconditionally. My critic and supporter all in one.

Now I pass this to all the admirable friends in my blog roll. Enjoy this tag!

Interesting Blog

When I was still new in the blogging world, I still have some reservations in my mind if ever I could survive it. I am afraid that my post would not even be interesting for some readers. I was afraid that I might not get something out of it. And now after being in the so called Blogging World for more than a year, I think I have proven to myself that there is still something interesting in what is inside my head. And I have gained friends that never forget to tell me that my works are appreciated.

Thank you so much Amy for tagging me with this. Thank you for finding my blog interesting. I really appreciate it. Mwah!

Now I am passing this to all my friends! Love you all!

Acrophobic Pau

I have been acrophobic all my life. I have this fear of heights. I can't even go near the railings of SM Malls or look down while the elevator in Robinson's goes up. Everytime I would do that, my knees are becomes weak and I feel like collapsing. Very terrible for a big girl like me LOL!

Just like last Wednesday and Thursday, we had this academic training for our Syteline ERP at PBCom Building in Makati. The training room was on the 22nd floor. We arrived early so we just fooled around the training room even taking photos, playing with the modern office chairs (not like what we have here in the office!). When one of the facilitators pulled up the roman shades, I saw the panoramic view of the Makati, my knees starts shaking, I started to feel uncomfortable. Much more when one of my officemates pulled me near the glass window and forced me to looked down. I feel like fainting, well that would be the worse for them because they would have to pull me up in case I would faint! I tried to be brave and tried to go near several times but it doesn't work, I feel like I was shrinking.

I don't know how I got this phobia, but I have this since I was young. I remember I can't even look down from the 3rd floor of our school building, what more the 22nd floor. I envy the bravery of those who can go bungee jumping or wall climbing, much more the window cleaners that I saw last Thursday. They were outside the building, cleaning the glass windows with just scaffoldings and their cleaning materials. Brave people! But I manage to took a picture of Mabel san near the glass window, but of course I use the zoom lens of the camera! hahaha!

wedding that'll be missed

Living and working in another country is one painful thing. But you see, it may sounded like a very used cliche but we work in order for us to provide a better life for our family and also for career wise move also. But the sad part? aside from being away from our loved ones, is the fact that we cannot attend those special events and occasions, just like the two destination weddings of my two friends, I was supposed to be part of their entourage but unfortunately, I had to beg off from the lists, though as much as I wanted to, I just can't come to their weddings. I know, it's really really sad, being not able to see my friend's happy faces as they journey to life begins... oh well, maybe I'll be able to attend the coming events like baptism and birthdays of their soon to be kids! It'll sure be fun. So there, guess too much of my venting, I'm being so emotional, bear with me... I need to release this thought or else I might gone mad!

Ondoy - we HATE YOU!

Typhoon Ondoy just made a huge stint over our beloved country. People are devastated as their houses and livelihood were washed away by the strong current. Lives were taken too, the saddest part of all. I even heard from the news that a lot of people are still missing. This is very very devastating news for all of us living and working in another country. How I wish we can work out and help our kababayan's who are at their lowest right now. Though we still can help, organizations are extending their ways in order for us to be able to donate. And this I got from the PRC (Philippine Red Cross) site:

Monetary Donations
Please send cash or check donations to the PNRC National Headquarters in Manila. Checks should be made payable to The Philippine National Red Cross. We can also arrange for donation pick-up.

Account Name: The Phil. Nat’l. Red Cross
Port Area Branch
Peso Acct.: 151-3-041-63122-8
Dollar Acct.: 151-2-151-00218-2
Type of Acct. : SAVINGS
Swift Code: MBTC PH MM


Port Area Branch
Peso Acct.: 4991-0010-99
Type of Account: CURRENT
UN Branch
Dollar Acct.: 8114-0030-94
Type of Account: SAVINGS
Swift Code: BOPI PH MM
For your donations to be properly acknowledged, please fax the bank transaction slip at nos. +63.2.527.0575 or +63.2.404.0979 with your name, address and contact number.

Credit Card
Please fax the following info to +632.404.09.79 and +632.527.0575:
Name of card member, billing address, contact nos. (phone & mobile), credit card no., expiration date, CCV2/ CVC2 (last three digits at the back of the credit card), billing address, amount to be donated.
For online donations you may also visit our website at .

SMS and G-CASH (Globe)
text REDAMOUNT to 2899 (Globe) or 4483 (Smart)


Most urgent needs
Food items: Rice, noodles, canned goods, sugar, iodized salt, cooking oil, monggo beans and potable water
Medicines: Paracetamol, antibiotics, analgesic, oral rehydration salts, multivitamins and medications to treat diarrheal diseases
Non-food items: Bath soaps, face towels, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, plastic mats, blankets, mosquito nets, jerry cans, water containers, water purification tablets, plastic sheetings, and Laundry soap
Rehabilitation Programs: Shelter materials for house repair

Call Hotline 143 or 527.0000

Coach Parker - I likey!

Saw this lovely Coach Parker bag over at one's blogger site - actually, Kathy - my friend is the one who gave me the link, saying that she's so in love with this! And guess what, I fell in love with this eye candy too at that instant! So our plan? buy two! - hahaha, joke. We might, we are considering, we'll see. But my friend is such an enabler, maybe she'll push this plan as soon as possible. ninuninuninunu...

gift shopping

>> Thursday, September 24, 2009

One of my closest friend is into buying and selling imported items, in fact she has been doing it for quite a while now and has gained a great number of customers. Before I leave for my greener pasture hunt, I asked her to take charge for my nephew's gifts for Christmas, and I told her to get the kiddos preferably shoes for their holiday loots. And she's actually cool with that, in fact she told me that she'll use her crocs coupons for her purchase so she woundn't have to charge me a huge amount for the items. She's such a sweetie pie isn't she?! That is why I gave her my chain gang coupons, for her to use! You see, that friend of mind is super enthusiastic when it comes to body accessories, if I'm not mistaken she has hundreds of different types of stuffs to use as her embelish! One stylish girl I must say, and I truly ador her.. for being one fab and styled friend and for being a very understanding and supportive pal! :D

going back and cravings

>> Thursday, September 17, 2009

I'm craving and it made remember this... nuninuninununninninini

I opened my Grandpa's closet yesterday and look at what I found! CHOCOLATES! Two packs of Merci Dark and Milk Chocolates! He's hoarding the chocolates! He's keeping all the chocolates!

Lucky for him that he is not a diabetic, for he is a true blue-chocolate addict! He can consume a 1/2 pounder chocolate in a snap! No wonder he keeps these stuff! Hmmm! Lucky for me that I sneaked from his closet! I unveiled his plan of eating these yummy chocolates all by himself! Lol!

Looks yummy! I can sense the calories adding up! Lol! But how can I resist these tempting chocolates? Could you? LOL!

banana crumb muffin

Amy is requesting the recipe for the Banana Crumb Muffin that I posted last time. So here it goes sis!

You will need the following ingredients:

1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 bananas, mashed
3/4 cup white sugar
1 egg, slightly beaten
1/3 cup melted butter

for the crumb topping:
1/3 cup packed brown sugar
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 tablespoon butter


1. Preheat Oven to 375 degrees F, lined your muffin pans with muffin papers.

2. Sift together the 1 1/2 cups flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt. In another bowl mix together the bananas, sugar, egg and melted butter. Stir in the sifted dry ingredients into the banana mixture until moistened.

3. Scoop batter into the prepared muffin pans. I use ice cream scooper no. 40

4. Topped with the crumb topping (just mix all the ingredients until it resembles coarse cornmeal).

5. Baked in preheated oven for 18 to 20 minutes or until toothpick inserted into center of a muffin comes out clean.

Enjoy baking!

tickets for him

>> Friday, September 11, 2009

A friend is about to celebrate his birthday this coming October, thus making my other chummies and I talks about the perfect gift we could give him. Well, actually it's not a real deal problem if only he lives in the Pi you know, but unfortunately, he lives in another part of this earth thus making it for us to think of the best gift for him. Since shipping charges can get us empty pocketed, we are thinking of getting him an online stuff or better, a couple of Miami Dolphins Tickets for him and his preferred buddy to tag. Yes, he is indeed a man of sports, unlike the most of us who often chooses to bum around and watch flicks. Oh well, let's see how we can hook up with the most affordable price offering for the said tickets... gotta check out now.

huge papaya

I am craving for a PAPAYA a few hours ago, until I remember my post about my grandparent's papaya harvest.... let me share it again with you...

Last night when I arrived home, I found this weird looking Papaya. At first I thought it was a watermelon but how come it has edges? I was really amazed by its round like shape and its size! Papaya are usually elongated but this one is round. My granny told me that he was also amazed by the shape that's why he picked it from the tree. I wonder if it also taste great! Lol

my pet

Here is the picture of my Pet Dame from Pet Society, an application in FB. I name him Dame because my friend Mita San would always say "DAME" jokingly and seriously. I miss him so much. I guess Dame inherited my love for water! I just get him a jacuzzi and some other stuff too... oh, and I keep asking for gifts from my online pals who are let's just say, way too rich to spare a chandelier, majestic bed and some other cool items! :D

exciting way to burn!

Do you a new and exciting way to lose all the calories you get from eating, try playing paintball with friends. The sport which is actually a scaled down version of a war game, this time just using airsoft guns, has been gaining popularity amongst people from all walks of life. I hear that equipment and gear are expensive to buy so most people rent. I found a great deal on this web site though - They carry Airsoft and Airgun / BB Gun Gear with low prices and free shipping on Airsoft guns including AEG Rifles, spring guns and Co2 and gas guns, Airsoft safety gear, bb’s and magazines. Free shipping! You cannot beat that!

old high school photo

A friend posted this picture in his Facebook account. After he posted it, comments from some friends are being posted. Some called it as skinny days pictures, but I don't consider it as my skinny days as you can see I am far from being skinny even before. This picture was taken during our senior year. It reminds me of good old days, good old high school friends. I hope someday we could have another picture taken so we could compare it with this one. But I am unsure if it would still be possible.


Hahaha! I really liked this Korean Song! It got an English version but I still prefer to listened to the original Korean Version. I even download the music video of this song so I can play it over and over again. I guess this come together with my Boys over Flowers addiction. I bet my soon to be ex-Japanese bosses would raise their eyebrows when he would hear me singing this! :) I have a much better idea in mind, I would just teach him the dance steps :)

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