vacation to payday loan blurb

>> Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A good friend of mine called me last night. She told me that her aunt was inviting her to spend a vacation with her family in Vienna. She loved to, because just like me she is fascinated with European countries. But what worries her are the expenses that she would be incurring during her stay there. So to ease her worries I suggested her to try for payday loan. Getting loans like this today are a breeze, not like before wherein it's like getting a camel pass through an eye of a needle. Now you just fill up forms, pass documents and then wait for the approval. I just remind her to read the terms carefully. I also told her to take not of the interest, the amortization schedules, mode of payments and applicable collaterals if any. Its important to iron those things so during her vacation she would not be haunted by the thoughts about her loan. Now I'm thinking if it would be nice to join her. I guess it would be great to take a cruise down the famous Blue Danube and visit Vienna's more than a hundred art museums. Hmm not a bad idea. Now it got me thinking!




Anyways, the financial global crisis is really affecting most countries. What I heard from my boss the other day is that most of the companies are cutting working days to save costs on energy and others. Our company, sad to say are one of them. No wonder more and more workers are resorting to payday loan.  Thank God, cash advances are available at these times. It is very convenient for the workers who are burdened with the fear of running out of cash during those times that they have no work. We all know that the daily expense of the workers and their families doesn’t stop when companies cut off working times, so cash advances are such heaven sent for them. The terms are light and not that burden on the pocket. They may choose the one who would suit them best. Let’s just all pray that this though time would soon pass and I can go for the vacation I have been dreaming of!

too much stuff

>> Monday, August 30, 2010

Was finally able to do some real deal clean up in my room and was surprised to find a whole lot of stuff that are still unused, brand new and still on boxes loots! Aw man, totally forgot all about those shopping stuff that I was able to hoard sometime last year, during sales and other holiday events. And it made me cringe actually, out of guilt I think. Thought of the total amount spent on all of that still-brand-new-items that I, come to think of it, don't really need. I could have just buy gold coins even a few pieces and have it as my investment and saving form as well. Oh well, things have been done and maybe I can do something about all those stuff stock in my room. Have those things up for sale online, perhaps. Will see.

bags for sale

>> Sunday, August 29, 2010

One of my friend who is into buying and selling of authentic designer bags messaged me earlier and told me that she has new stocks of bags available for grabs... Here is one of the bag that catches my attention and wonders if this could be that 'it' bag for me... it'll be perfect as an everyday bag and it can match almost any outfit ensemble right?

Longchamp PINCEAU, brown

Brazil Vacations... someday!

Who would have thought that one of my dear friend will find her match and are about to celebrate their five wonderful years of marriage already this coming December? I can say that they have a healthy marriage, it's not really all that blissful and far away from perfect, but I truly believe it's normal. Anyways, compare from the other couple same as us who are celebrating their anniversaries, they, on the other hand doesn't have anything plan in grand sense. Though still, they are hoping to have one grand getaway by next year. For sure they will try to experience one of those very nice and romantic getaway somewhere far,like Brazil vacations you know, somewhere where they can see those great sea's and vacations spots as well as experiencing all inclusive vacation package resorts in another country can offer! Think about all inclusive Brazil packages, pretty neat huh! But then again, it's not really how expensive every experience that matters, it's how they enjoy things together and make the most out of whatever they can is what's important. We all know that, do we?!

legit gold buying

Every investment promises a nice return of investment amount. One of the best investments that do well is investing in rare gold coins. As we all know gold coins are appreciating rather than depreciating. Only few investments have this kind of quality. If you want you could also invest on several precious metals. But since investment requires a huge attention and case study, it would be better to invest in companies that are genuine and profitable. Just like Monaco Rare Coins. They have been in the business for such a ling time now so you would be sure that they are offering legit gold coins to invest

my lasts


1. What is the last thing you did before this survey?
Talk with Bele, matters of her heart :)

2. Where was your last kiss?
Hell, I can even remember when and where :)

3. When is the last time you felt angry?
Just this afternoon courtesy of boss! She is pressuring us to finish the report...

4. What is the last purchase you made?
A lot of Spicy Dilis and Dried Pusit for Kuya's Package and 3 folding umbrellas for ate

5. Who were you last annoyed with?
It was him

6. What did you last have to eat?
Ate Dhel's Chicaron Yummy!

7. Who is the last male you talked to?
Leonard, flirting! hehehe joke only :)

8. Where is the last place you hung out at?
Countryside Steak House last night, dinner with Leo and Joanne

9. When is the last time you got a work out?
hehehe hmmm... last.... decade?

10. What is the last make-up you used?
Just borrowed Bele's eyeliner just to give my eye some glow

some facts about me

Snagged from Kathycot

1. Are you a photo addict?
Yes, that's why I'm too upset when my cam encountered lens problem.

2. What were you doing this morning at 8 am?
Just woke up, but still in bed.

3. Do you care for your Friendster?
Yup, but haven't been updating for a while

4. How many different beverages have you drank since yesterday?
about four

5. What are two things you hate?
Bossy and Liar

6. What do you wish for?
My immigrant visa

7. When was the last time you got really hurt?
Just recently...

8. What did you do last night?
dinner with friends, story marathon

9. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
coffee crumble, chocolate

10. Fave color?

gold investing

>> Thursday, August 12, 2010

Somebody from our office mentioned his intention of buying gold from United States Gold Bureau - a world renowned distributor or genuine and good grade quality gold coins and bullion that has been the most favored by gold buyers all over the world. Anyways, going back to my boss, found out that he has been investing with this kind of metal for the last ten years already and true enough, he has gained so much profit from buying gold! He was even able to purchase more from his profits and that makes it obvious that he is evolving fast when it comes to income generation and the likes. So there, hopefully someday I'd be able to buy and invest on gold coins too :D

my reason for smiling

My reasons for smiling:

1. God has blessed me in so many ways and he is continuing to bless me and my family.
2. I have a family who loved me and continue to love me unconditionally.
3. My work although not that financially rewarding :) I love it
4. My friends are with me all the time most specially my lowest times.
5. I loved, I was hurt but still I managed to love again (and hurt again, paulit-ulit pero ok lang)
6. My suspension will soon end :)
7. I'm gaining new friends, thanks to blogging :)
8. KP Creations is doing good hopefully :)
9. There are a lot of simple things that always makes me smile, and it would take days for them to be listed :)
10. Lastly I think I'm moving forward... that's the most important reason that's why I'm smiling

P-Noy got his first pay check!

Yes, our dear President Noynoy got his first pay check for being the chief executive our country. He received a check amounting to P63,002 (roughly $1393), after taxes and deductions.
Anyways, this makes me wonder.. if the President receives only a small amount compared to the other cabinet officials, what's the deal with that then!? hmmmm... fishy fishy indeed eh?!
Well, let's just hope that those who are still in the offices will be ashamed to do any tricks with the kaban ng bayan - government funds - people's taxes.

why not an online degree then?

So I love studying, thus making me so interested with getting myself enrolled and get another degree so here I am on a research online degrees while I'm working my butt out here in another place of the earth. It'll sure be a fun fun thing to do, you know, to divert my mind from thinking about everything back home. At least by that, I can be busy and full handed instead of wallowing over my sadness due to home sick. And the fact that I can learn more new stuff and gain another diploma and get a degree that can definitely add to my curriculum vitae - which can make me more bankable employee and applicant in the future. So will I enroll myself? gotta make some real deal thinking and will sure update you guys about this.

my confusing horoscope today

I started my day laughing because of my horoscope. It says:

Romance is brewing in your life -- feelings right under the surface are bubbling up.

Starting a new romance might not be on your list of things to do right now, but sometimes you have no choice but to deal with the feelings that have been stirring right under the surface. You can no longer deny what might be happening, even if your life would be a lot simpler without it. It's coming, and it's a very good thing. If you are already in a relationship, you'll start to feel a rebirth in what the two of you share. A big transition could be coming.

Hahaha! Even my horoscope is tripping on me (",)

friend talk

Snagged this from my mare and good friend Kath
Thank you dear!

1. Best friends were all the thing in my high school days. You were only allowed to have one best friend, but, ever the rebel, I had several! What about you? Tell us about your high school best friend(s).
-Just like you I got a lot. Joanne (my all time bestfriend! our pet name to each other: TABA) / April / Lien / Arjay / Anthony / Familia Arkanghel

2. Are you generally better friends with those of your own gender or those of the opposite? Or is it balanced between the two?
-Hmm... Balanced between the two.

3. As you get older, are best friends still important or does having a best friend get less important to your life?
-Still very much important, friendship matures as we mature.

4. Have you ever met any of your online friends offline? Did they match your mental picture of who they were?
-I haven't met any, I guess most of them are overseas.

5. Do you have a few close friends and more acquaintances? Or are you the opposite, with lots of very close friends and few casual ones?
-A lot of very close friends.

6. Are there any friends of the past that you would like to reconnect with?
-Yes there are a lot. Some long lost friends most especially in my high school days. Actually I just did with one of them recently.

7. If you could become instant-friends with any celebrity, who would it be and why?
-I got plenty on my list. I guess Ellen DeGeneres would be one, I don't know but I think we'll click as friends!

goldy gold!

Gold has been a standard in determining wealth and purchasing power. It was even used as money in early times. Gold is a very good investment. If given a chance I would buy gold coins because it would never loose its value, in fact it appreciates rather than it depreciates. I pray that I may win the jackpot for the lottery on Thursday! The jackpot price could mean too many Gold coins investments. Truly men would never loose interest in Gold in fact it is very influential in the life of people even before the ancient times. So what are we waiting for, let us consider investing on gold coins.

pau-o-logy :D

Grab this tag from Kathy


What is your salad dressing of choice?
:: Thousand Island no doubt

What is your favorite sit-down restaurant?
:: I got a long list, isn't it obvious with my size? LOL!

What food could you eat for 2 weeks straight and not get sick of it?
:: Fried Chicken, my comfort food

What are your pizza toppings of choice?
:: I am a meat lovers so I go for meat toppings especially Pepperoni!

What do you like to put on your toast?
:: Jam and Butter


How many television sets are in your house?
:: one in my room one in the other room

What color of cell phone do you have?
:: Ivory


Are you right-handed or left-handed?
::Right handed.

Have you ever had anything removed from your body?
:: Moles on my face

What is the last heavy item you lifted?

:: Due to lack of men in the office, 5 gallons of water :)

Have you ever been knocked unconscious?
:: nope


If it were possible, would you want to know the day you are going to die?
:: yes I want to, I wanted to be prepared for it

If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
:: Alexandra or Simoune

Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?
:: Sure! hahaha!


How many pairs of flip flops do you own?
:: only two, I also borrow one from my brother

Last time you had a run-in with the cops?
:: Nope, Law abiding citizen

Last person you talked to?
:: seriously? Ma'am Fe heart to heart

Last person you hugged?
:: Can't remember if my chubby part Maya or the flavor of the month Cariz (turtle neck LOL!) or Ate Cons


:: between rainy and sunny it is definitely rainy. Among winter, spring, summer or autumn it is WINTER! SNOW!


Day of the week?
:: Sunday, rest day

:: DECEMBER and June my birth month


Missing someone?
:: Yes, I do very much...

:: happy and a bit empty

What are you listening to?
:: the sound TV in the other room

:: the TV in my room is off

Worrying about?
:: my health, the economy and earning more


First place you went to this morning?
:: Bathroom

What’s the last movie you saw?
:: I got a memory gap

Do you smile often?
:: I do a lot


1) Do you always answer your phone?
:: yes

2) It’s four in the morning and you get a text message, who is it?
:: If not Kuya from Canada, 2346 for Globe

3) If you could change your eye color what would it be?
:: Light green :)

4) What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic?
:: hmm... water!? lol

5) Do you own a digital camera?
:: yes given by Kathleen! Thanks dear!

6) Have you ever had a pet fish?
:: before but it jumped out of the aquarium

7) Favorite Christmas song?
:: Jingle Bells

8) What’s on your wish list for your birthday?
:: Laptop :)

9) Can you do push ups?
:: before during high school days, but haven't tried these days

10) Can you do a chin up?
:: yeah

11) Does the future make you nervous or excited?
:: excited and bit nervous

12) Do you have any saved texts?
:: yes a lot

13) Ever been in a car wreck?
:: Thank God I haven't been

14) Do you have an accent?
:: nope

15) What is the last song to make you cry?
:: Out of Reach and Someday

16) Plans tonight?
:: stay at home and blog

17) Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom?
:: yeah several times

18) Name 3 things you bought in the last week
:: food, food again and food

19) Have you ever been given roses?
:: yes by myself! hahaha! please see previous entry

20) Current worry?
:: health and anda

21) Current hate right now?
:: my hair, always bad hair day

22) Met someone who changed your life?
:: Yes but somehow I feel like regretting it

23) How did you bring in the New Year!
:: it was a blast!

24) What song represents you?
:: Numb

25) Name three people who might complete this?
:: my blogging friends

26) What were you doing at 12 AM last night?
:: chatting with Kathy

27) What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?
:: Work! Work! Work!

Please feel free to grab!

6 weird things :D

I was tagged by the Amiable Amy a couple of days ago, but I'm just posting it now. I'm sorry dear :)

The RULES: People who get tagged need to write a blog post of 6 weird things about them as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 or more people you know to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says "you are tagged" in their comments and tell them to read your blog.

1. I don't like hot coffee. I usually drink iced-coffee.

2. I sleep in a free fall position. Laying in my front with my face facing on one side and hands around the pillow.

3. I don't drink wine :) I go for anything except wine.

4. I am a nocturnal person. I do more at night than in morning. I find it hard to sleep earlier than 1:00 am. I don't do overtime in the morning (except when necessary) but I can stay at the office up to 10:00pm or later.

5. I love hugging :) It cheers me up when I'm sad. It gives me comfort during down times. When I feel down I usually ask a friend to hug me.

6. Im hopeless romantic :) but I just don't admit it too often :)

Now I'm passing this to Kath, Memae, George, Mye, Peach, and Eds

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