IMAX Pictures

>> Monday, August 24, 2009

Town Fiesta

>> Sunday, August 23, 2009

Our town fiesta is just around the corner. Us Filipinos is famous for festival and festivities. Our town honors St. Augustine every 28th of the month of August. The town is filled with banners that announce the activities for the upcoming fiesta. I heard there is a free concert at the town’s sports complex, there is also an activity for Senior Citizens and aspiring boxers, runners and cyclist. But what every person in the town is the yearly karakol. It is a street dancing in honor of the patron saint with various marching bands. But what really important in these festivities is to be thankful for all the blessings given by the Almighty Father through the intercession of the town’s father St. Augustine

Rosary and President Cory

When I was watching the various tribute shows for the late President Cory Aquino I was enlightened with the power of the rosary. I really admire the devotion of the late president to the Rosary and the Holy Mother. When I was young I joined a religious organization devoted to the Our Lady of Lourdes. But as I age I became inactive with the organization. But I became inspired with the story of the late president, during her hardest time in the hospital the rosary never left her hands. I admire her courage and her faith. I told my self that if only I could have a portion of her courage and her outpouring faith I know I would be a better person.

Wedding and the like

I left one of my cupcake pans to Kathy. She told me that she would be practicing baking so she could continue our business even if I would be away. She is really good in organizing events and weddings, from the invitation down to the program itself she can do it. We started KP Creations as a hobby and just for close friends and relatives. I was baking cupcakes just for family and friends. One time while munching on a freshly baked chocolate cupcake that we made, she introduced the idea of making cupcakes as souvenirs. Our first client was a baptism, personalized chocolates and cupcakes. The chocolates were easy, but the cupcake was not. It was no near to perfection. It was raining then so our icing was not that stiff. We are both praying that it would not collapse. Thank God it did not, but I told you it was just a thread away from collapsing. Our biggest client was a wedding were we made 150 pieces of personalized cupcakes. With just two of us and our critic Amiel (her hubby) we were able to finish it early in the morning of the wedding day. I told Kathy that she can do destination weddings now. She was doing wedding coordination before as sideline, now she can do it full time. But she was a bit hesitant because of her schedules as a mother and a blogger. At the end I know in her smile she was saying that she would just wait for me after I return.

IMAX Experience

My non biological SIL Elay and my non biological brother Reimund treated me for lunch and movies last Friday. We watched Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince at Imax Theater. Finally I got to watch the movie. In my previous post I said that I really look forward for the sixth installment movie. But since I was busy fixing my employment papers, I nearly missed it. Thanks to the couple, they willing watch the movie for the second time just for me. Unfortunately our pictures are not yet being transferred but I promise to post the pictures of our (Elay and Me) first ever Imax experience. Thank you Hips and Kuya. I hope to have non biological nieces and nephews when I return.

Energy Booster

When I was trying to elevate my hemoglobin count I ate a lot of sweet potato tops. I also take herbal supplements. I read in one of the magazines that herbal supplements and teas are becoming very popular. I think people tend to go natural because of the awareness on chemicals that maybe present in other vitamins and supplements. When I was having sleepless nights because of insomia attacks, my Auntie Cecil gave me a box of tea with chamomile. We are in a family gathering when I complained to her that I really have a hard time sleeping. I tried drinking milk hoping it would put me to bed early but it did not. It might sound old school and childish but I even tried counting sheep but it does not help either. During those times I would sleep at around three o clock in the morning and I have to get up at five because I have to go to work. She told me that she tried it when she was in Singapore and it was effective. Her friend who is a doctor told her that chamomile helps the mind to slow down after a very tiring day so you can relax and eventually go to sleep. I tried a couple of tea bags and it really helped me. When we saw each other last week she was telling me about Acai Berry Energy Supplement that she saw in the net and asked me to browse for it. She told me that it may help me to replenish the energy that I loose because of stress from work and others plus it can help me burn more calories that can lead to weight loss. Sounds interesting.

Prayer for Rose's Hubby

>> Saturday, August 22, 2009

When I opened my YM account I think two days ago I was surprised to see Rose’s status message. Rose is I friend that I met through blogging. She always visits my page and says hi even if I seldom update it in the last months. She is happily married to her husband and they have two adorable kids, a son and a daughter. They are originally from Virginia but they are based in Seoul because his husband is stationed there. She was asking for prayers for her husband because he suffered a heart attack. I know it was difficult from her because she got no relatives who could help her there. So when I went to the Pink Sister Monastery yesterday I managed to make a petition letter for the speedy recovery of Rose’s hubby and strength for her. I always believe in the power of massive praying I have been a witness to it many times. I know the good Lord would always listen. Stay strong Rose.

My Job

When I was still in college I dreamed of landing a job in a prestigious Las Vegas Accounting Firm. It was such a dream for an aspiring Accountancy graduate like me. But luck sent me to another road. I ended up doing costing of goods manufactured for a Japanese Manufacturing Company. Instead of doing financial accounting, tax services, business consulting and financial services I end up analyzing reports from the production area, debating with warehouse and purchasing staffs and studying process flow of the products that we produced. But there is no regret in me. I loves my job, shall I say previous job. Although I did not end up in a very strict business environment of accounting firm, I enjoyed my stint in the very casual atmosphere of Manufacturing. I find it very interesting to know how to come up with a certain product. I know that if I ever landed a job in an accounting firm I can also dwell on that but not as depth as what I learned when I was doing the costing. That’s why when another opportunity for another manufacturing company knocks on my door, I grabbed it instantly! There would be another interesting processes and product that I would be dealing with soon.


>> Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I am starting counting the days. I only have nine days, nine precious days. As my flight day approaches, I’m starting to be sentimental. I know that two years is not that long. I know time flies so fast, but it is still two years. I would be away from my family and friends for two years. I know it would be the longest two years of my life. I was never away from my family longer than two weeks. This would be a milestone in my life. I know I would be adjusting a lot, but after this I know I would be a better me. I would miss my dad and my mom. In the past 27 years of my life I was dependent to them. My brother and I usually argue on a lot of things but at the end of it he was my strongest ally. I live with my grandparents (just few steps away from my parent’s house). They are my best protector. I would surely miss them specially the dishes that her busy produce. When I return Sam and Brent would be grown ups. I am used to be surrounded by my friends. They have been a part of my everyday life. No more unplanned dinner at Kathy’s house for two years. In two years, Leo and Joanne would go on random joyrides without me (that would be better I think! Hahaha!). The office’s silence would no longer be interrupted by my antics and jokes. I have to stop before I would burst into tears. I should be better looking for wood stoves that we are giving an Aunt as a birthday gift.

What I don't do best

Cooking is what I don’t do best. I consider my self a lousy cook. I was raised in a family where cooking is a family activity. My grand mother has the busiest stove in our neighborhood. She was often being asked to cook for occasions by our family and close friends. She never attended any culinary school. It was just her experience and her gift for cooking that she holds. I held her responsible for my weight gain and diet mishaps. When I was a kid, she would cook from her stove. She would ask me and my kuya to get firewood from our barn which was meters away from our house. It was a tough exercise but when we return home with firewood, she would reward us with a delicious snack that she cooked for us. On ordinary days she would be firing her stove to cook native delicacies which are usually served on special occasions. I remember she had an eye infection before that the ophthalmologist said that she get from standing in front of stoves on long hours. In wonder why I did not inherited her cooking skills. The lucky one that probably inherited her skills is my Kuya in Canada. He and Granny would usually talk on the phone for hours discussing menus for a party that kuya would be organizing there or he was asking on directions how to cook a certain dish. I don’t know if my cooking skills would still develop. But one this is for sure, I can bake.

Written in association with wood burning stove suppliers

Its getting nearer

All my bags are packed
Im ready to go
Im standin here outside your door
I hate to wake you up to say goodbye
But the dawn is breakin
Its early morn
The taxis waitin
Hes blowin his horn
Already Im so lonesome
I could die

So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that youll wait for me
Hold me like youll never let me go
cause Im leavin on a jet plane
Dont know when Ill be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go

Theres so many times Ive let you down
So many times Ive played around
I tell you now, they dont mean a thing
Evry place I go, Ill think of you
Evry song I sing, Ill sing for you
When I come back, Ill bring your wedding ring

So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that youll wait for me
Hold me like youll never let me go
cause Im leavin on a jet plane
Dont know when Ill be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go

Now the time has come to leave you
One more time
Let me kiss you
Then close your eyes
Ill be on my way
Dream about the days to come
When I wont have to leave alone
About the times, I wont have to say

Oh, kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that youll wait for me
Hold me like youll never let me go
cause Im leavin on a jet plane
Dont know when Ill be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go

But, Im leavin on a jet plane
Dont know when Ill be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go

Effective waste management

>> Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Waste management is defined as the collection, transportation, processing, recycling and monitoring of waste. In a larger picture most common ways of waste management is collection of garbage or waste in every home then pooling it to a central waste area then dumping it to designated dumpsites like incinerators and land fills. But because of too much waste generated Land fills are beginning to over flow and incinerators are working overtime. Have you noticed lately the temperature is getting warmer; it is an effect of generating too much waste.

One effective waste management strategy is the three R. The first R is REUSE which aims to reuse a waste rather than just throw it and be a generated waste. Next is REDUCE. It is reducing the waste that can be generated; especially waste that is cannot be recycled or reused. And lastly RECYCLE. Recycle waste like paper and bottles that can be brought to recyclers where in they can be converted to another useful product. Like food waste which can be used as compost or fertilizer, it is not just organic and safe but it is also another way of recycling waste generated. These three Rs are aimed to reduce the waste generated from homes.

Written in association with waste management experts

Less waste, a better world

Imagine if we would practice recycling in our everyday life. I bet our world would be a better place to live in. We would not see the overflowing dumpsites and trash bins. There is an old saying that says “In trash there is money”. But unfortunately not all people see it that way. The advancements in technologies may have made our lives easier but like anything in this world, it also has some disadvantages.

Good thing that more and more people are becoming aware of recycling. I have heard a group of local women in a poor urban neighborhood that manufactures bags out of juice tetra packs. Also another group manufactures world class hang bags made out of strips of cloths that are considered waste of textile companies. Not just that, more and more companies are promoting recycling like big department stores and supermarkets that used recyclable shopping bags for their products. We in our own little ways can do our part, by starting at our homes. Our on our own little ways like buying from stores that uses recyclable bags, or when going to the market use a basket so you don’t have to use more plastics since it cannot be recycled.

Written in association with environmental management experts

Paper Recycling for Office

>> Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I had made a presentation for the waste management committee of the company this morning. I am not a member of this committee but I support them because I believe in their ideals. They are very much committed in pursuing every one in the office to practice waste management and recycling. As matter of fact they just passed a memo about recycling of paper. The memo says that all internal reports should be strictly printed on used paper only to be able to reduce paper waste.

I hope that their new campaign for the reduction and monitoring of paper waste would be a success. It would benefit both the environment and the company. I think it would be also better if they would not only concentrate on the paper waste as well as the other waste. I bet our bosses would be delighted since they are the ones who are pushing the waste management being a strict follower of the 5 S and ISO:14000.

Written in association with waste management experts

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