Earn more

>> Monday, March 30, 2009

The economy is still down. Although there are signs of recovery there are still some industries that are fighting the recession woes. Unfortunately, the industry where I belong is one of them. There are signs of recovery, the sales are up, but still we haven't regained our normal sales volume. Another bad news landed our office just last week. The annual increment was put on hold. Meaning another benefit for us employees was taken away. During our lunch break, most of the employees are talking about earning some extra bucks to cope up with the expenses. They are looking for some online opportunities where they could get additional income. Being an online part-time job seeker I'm also looking for Freelance Job Board that post online money making opportunities. For sure it would be a great help.

Candies for Loot bags

>> Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Next month one of my godsons (I told you I got a plenty of them both official and unofficial). And it’s because he is a first born everyone in the family and also me is very much excited for the party. And of course one thing that we have talked about is the loot bags for the children. Since both his parents came from big families so it is expected that there would be a lot of kids and also not to forget their friends. So as early as now they are thinking of the things to put in the loot bags. Of course first on the list are the candies. Loot bags are not complete without them. Kids are always looking forward in getting the loot bags because of the different candies that it might contain. I suggest that they look out for Bulk Candy so they could get the candies in bulk since they would be preparing a lot of loot bags. We found this Hershey’s miniatures in Easter colors. We all loved it because the colors are not the usual silver and gold; for sure the children will love it (also the young once like me). And because we all love Hershey’s everybody gave out a nod on the idea of including it in the loot bags. I also gave them the ideas of including Licorice Candy inside as a deviation from the usual hard candies. I kidded them and told the couple to create also loot bags for us grown ups and include Mars Candy together with the miniature Hershey’s.

Nice Try Kuya

>> Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I was about to get something to eat from the fridge last night when I saw Kuya cleaning his .45 caliber pistol. I asked him why he was cleaning his gun for the nth time (I think he always does every week, I think he considers it as his pet!). I told him that the pistol might not fire at the time that he would use it because it is too clean. He just laughed hard and even tried to pose like a model for a gun magazine. He even kidded me by saying that the reason why he decided to keep a pistol is that I can used it in finding me a hubby if ever I would still be single by the age of forty. Of course it is just a joke. He is keeping one for his firing range visits and seldom hunting engagements. Now he is asking me to get him a DeSantis Holster for his birthday. I told him, its financial crisis so he must try again asking me next year. Nice try!

A mother and wife's grief

I got this email just this morning. The email reflects the grief of a mother and a wife that lost her daughter and husband to a very tragic incident. An incident that could have been prevented . In the email she asks the readers to help her get the justice that her daughter and husband deserves. By sharing it here in my blog I hope I could help in her quest and somehow lessen even a tiny fraction the pain and sorrow that she is dealing for loosing the two most important persons in her life.

from Lilian de Vera…please read..

Two months ago I considered myself as one of those blessed and happiest people on earth. Why not? I married a guy who was an epitome of kindness. A guy who worshipped even the footsteps I made. More importantly, our union blessed us with a daughter who not only became the main source of our happiness….more so; she was the center of our lives.

We're simple folks who led a simple life. We felt the happiest even about mundane things and inconsequential ones that most people would only take for granted. Our joy mostly revolved on simple pleasures like a sudden trip to Jollibee or a late night marauding of the fridge for any leftovers. A perfect family with simple delights, dreams and aspirations………until that fateful night on December 5, 2008.The day my husband and daughter were taken away from me in a very violent way. That Friday night on December 5, 2008 marked the beginning of all the terror, anguish and misery in my life.

In keeping with my ritual or "panata" on every first Friday of every month, I went to Quiapo Church on the above mentioned date to pay homage and respect to the Almighty One. My husband and daughter were supposed to pick me up in Pasay City after which we planned on giving our daughter a treat to Jollibee. While riding the jeep, I tried to call my husband to tell him that I was on my way to our meeting place. But despite all the calls I made, my husband remained silent. A very unusual occurrence inasmuch as he seldom missed my calls. Despite my trepidation and wonder, I took the next jeep going home and prayed that everything was alright. I even promised to myself that I would forgive my husband for not answering my calls and for forgetting to pick me up.

I felt relieved when near our place my phone rung. Such relief was somehow only momentary….in fact the phone call I got was the bearer of the worst news in my entire life. My helper called, only to tell me that my husband and daughter were shot to death by "men in uniform". The same men who were sworned to protect innocent people from bad guys brutally slew the two most important persons in my life. They were the same men whose sacred duty was to preserve the lives of the public against all harm and danger. Yet…….they were the same men who murdered my love ones in the most cruel, savage and inhuman way.

My husband's face was unrecognizable because he was shot in the head at close range while he was kneeling with his head bowed down.. My daughter's young body was riddled with bullets, one hit her head, blowing her brains out.., all from too powerful guns and ammunitions fired by the "men in uniform" on two innocent and defenseless persons.

The "men in uniform" were allegedly on a mission to take some gang of robbers victimizing people at large. The police shot the crosswind van my husband and daughter were riding Based on some witnesses' narration, the police sprayed bullets into the van despite the lack of provocation or shots coming from the van. In his last effort to save their lives, my husband grabbed my bloodied daughter and shielded her with his body while trying to run away from the police and tried to get cover from a parked jeepney My husband and daughter were so defenseless. How can you mistake a child for a robber? How can you shot at someone who was already kneeling with head bowed, an indication of helplessness.

My husband and daughter are gone…….forever. The pain I feel for their lost is too much too bear. And the only thing that motivates me to go on with life is the mission to seek justice for their senseless killing. If the people who are responsible for their death will be punished, if I could bring them the justice they so richly deserve, my pain would be alleviated. The misery I will live by will be lessened. My husband and daughter will be vindicated and I will learn to live the remaining years of my life in peace.

Thus: I'm asking and begging everyone who will come across this letter/e-mail to forward the same to all your relatives, friends, and acquaintances. Help me bring my cause to the eyes of the people capable of steering the wheel of justice to the right direction. Help me make the loudest cry worthy of attention by those people in-charge in rendering justice to those who deserve it.

Strength comes in numbers; it is where the impossible becomes possible. It is also where the unattainable becomes achievable.

My heartfelt gratitude for everyone who will take a moment in their too busy lives and forward this letter/e-mail to everyone they know. May God always protect you and your love ones from all harm.

Lilian de Vera

New Hobby

>> Sunday, March 15, 2009

I think its every little girl’s dream to have a doll house that she could play with. And even if that little girl would grow up, she would still keep that love for doll houses. That is why the hobby for collecting and building miniature doll houses are in demand for grown up girls. I have a neighbor before that collects miniature doll houses. I always look out to see her collections which she generously allows me to have the first look if ever she got her self a new one. That’s why she was the person in my mind when I come across zoolabees.com one time. The site offers dollhouse supplies. You can find cute furniture like sofas, day beds, chairs, side tables and the like which are very intricate like the big ones. One thing that I really loved was their mini kitchen accessories like the pots and pans, cups and saucers and the mini oven. It would be nice to indulge in this hobby, it is like unleashing the little girl in very grown up lady in us. Actually she already influenced me to get into this hobby. I’m planning to start my own miniature doll house. I’m so excited for the kitchen accessories and fixtures.

Award from Peach

>> Friday, March 13, 2009

Got this award from Peach, thanks sis for this! Please do visit her page and you'll find some interesting post.

Here are the award rules:
Name 7 things that you love and then pass the award on to 7 other kreativ bloggers.

1. I love my family the most.
2. I love my friends like family.
3. I love to laugh, I do that every day
4. I love chocolates so much.
5. I love beer, though I try to reduce my consumption due to health reason.
6. I love baking for my friends and family but now due to economic crisis Kathy and I decided to accept orders.
7. I love to eat.

And now passing this on to 7 more KREATIV BLOGGER:

Kathy, Memae, Amy, Rose, Mommy Dharlz, Bridgette and Mye

Safety First

Our factory is still undergoing renovations. It was supposed to be finished last 2008 but due to the problem with the previous contractor there were still some renovations left unfinished. We are just forced to moved in even if there are still ongoing renovations. But after a year since we moved in, unfortunately there are still some unfinished major and minor renovations. We shifted to another contractor so that renovations would be all done. Fortunately the renovations that were left unfinished are now progressing. To be honest those were already long overdue and already cost us a lot. I got to talk with our new contractor one afternoon at the lobby. I was waiting for a document and he was having his collection. Being the talkative he was, we talked about his company. He said that first and foremost policy of his company is safety of his workers. He said that he is investing on their safety gears and clothing. He told me that for those in the construction company like them, it is very much important to ensure the safety of the people. He makes sure that they got them the best safety gears like hard hats, safety boots, safety gloves and clothes. He is telling me that a site helps him in purchasing the right safety gears in the construction industry. In constrcutiongear.com he looks out for hard hats, which are must in the constructions for the workers to be protected from falling debri. He also looks out for gloves and safety boots and shoes. Now he is eyeing carhartt overalls for his workers. He told me that it is better to keep every worker safe from the beginning rather than loosing a worker from accidents. Being in the business for so long, he already saw some scenarios from his competitors and colleague. So he always makes sure that safety is first in his company.

Latest from KP Creations

The fruit of our labor 50 pcs customized chocolates for Raquel's 18th Birthday. I hope the birthday celebrant would love these. Thanks to our assistant OLIN (she was the one handing out the wrapper to me and her mom) and for Pareng Amiel's patience (actually he is thinking of charging us with moral support fee!). I really pray for more orders! I know Kathy and I already improved our packaging and layout. Do you agree?

Jacko's concert

>> Thursday, March 12, 2009

I was watching TV last night. I was glad to hear from the news that the King of Pop Michael Jackson would be having a series of concert in July 2009. It is great news for music enthusiast (do I hear my name?) and his fans. It has been such a long time since we last saw the king perform for a concert. Tickets to Michael Jackson’s concert would be selling like hotcakes, I’m quite sure of that. I’m sure everyone is excited to see him again sing and dance to the tune of his classic hits. I would suggest to the fans to get Michael Jackson tickets at teamonetickets.com. With just one click of the mouse, you’ll be getting tickets for the much awaited concert. You don’t have to worry about long queues and additional cost to be incurred just to get tickets because they would be delivered right at your doorstep. I’m sure everyone would be having a good time, whether it’s Black or White we would be all saying Rock with you!


I keep on blaming my self
I should have eaten my pride
how can i convince you
its just a matter of time

many times i've hurt you
with my foolish ways oh girl
now i know i have to pay the price

is there a way for u to turn around,
turn around and come back baby
ohh baby cant u see

its been cold summer nights since we drifted apart
cold summer nights since you walked out that door
cold summer nights here on my own
coz i miss you baby, i need you here

cold summer nights girl, i really miss you
you rocked my world
i wanna touch you and kiss you
its my fault
i never called you at home
i'm on the phone, wishing you could call
i'm all alone
is there a way for you to turn around and
come back to me
i hope you understand
that i'm your man and together we can
kiss and make up
'coz you know i cant stand

I'm not yet over with Francis M's demise. I was still in grade school when this song became popular, my kuya used to sing this while taking a bath in the morning before going to school. He is the music icon that I grew up with. I admire his patriotism that is very evident in his songs and his works. For sure, for us fans it would be cold summer nights now that he is gone. The kaleidoscope world has lost one color but for us his fans, he would always be one bright color that would always stand out. You are missed FM.


I am here at Kathy's place. I'm playing with my god daughter OLIN (we are playing with glue sticks and paper). We would be making custom made chocolate bars for someone's eighteenth birthday. Custom made choco bars are also part of our so called KP Creations. Aside from our cupcake favors, we are also accepting orders for custom made chocolate bars as favors for birthdays, christenings and even weddings. The little brat is helping us in wrapping the prepared choco bars by passing the wrapper and the glue stick. Now she is currently distributing brownies and mango bars to me and Kath. Good girl! I was really enjoying my bonding with the little brat that I almost forgot that I have to do some research about holodomor for my brother. I better do it now or else I might be sleeping at the patio :)

Office Visitors

Last Saturday, former office mates George and Lovemela dropped by the office. From office mates now to visitors. They said they missed us so much not just the people but also the things that they usually do here. Georgina said she misses the coffee so much, what she doesn't know is that we also misses the smell of her coffee from time to time. Lovemela took her factory tour as if she haven't been here for a long time, and the funny thing is that she misses the comfort room so much and she really took her time to use it. Looking forward for more visits from them.

For fast and furious

>> Wednesday, March 11, 2009

These past few days, I’m always sleepy. I would always wake up late so the consequence is I have to cram so I would not be late for work. How many times I wish that the car would perform twice its current performance so I won’t have to worry every time I would get up late from my bed. I really hate it when I’m late for work. Maybe I already inherited my Japanese boss’s attitude towards punctuality in work. Now I am thinking of adding turbocharger to the car’s engine to increase its performance. To those who are having the same dilemma like me, try checking out turbochargerpros.com. They got different turbochargers for different models of cars. For sure you would love the increase in the running performance of your car. No more late punches on my timecards! No more cramming in the morning because I can rely on the speed of my toy.

Sisterhood Award

>> Friday, March 6, 2009

I have been in a not so good mood these past few days. I am burnt out, I definitely need a break. An award like this from Bridgette would somehow lessen the stress that I'm experiencing. Thanks sis!

And now I get to pass it on!

1. Put the logo on your blog or post.

2. Nominate at least 10 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude!

3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.

4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.

5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.

I'm giving this award to the following as a sign of gratitude and eternal friendship :)

1. Kathy for being my mentor, friend, kumare, sister-like and sometimes motherly like rolled into one.

2. Memae for everything and everythin in between. I miss you bakla!

3. George for the secrets and more secrets to keep.

4. Mrs. Cotrill (hope you are having a nice vacation in Bicol!) for being a my good online friend.

5. Amiable Amy for always visiting me, I owe you sister :)

6. Mye (Miss visiting you sis!)

7. Mommy Dharlz for being my very much willing recipient for my tags and awards :). I pray that everything would be okay soon.

8. Peach

9. Leonila

10. Mommy Claire


If you are doing this every day, don’t you wish you have the best life insurance this world can offer? You might be getting the high from this kind of job but I don’t know if you’ll appreciate it once you fall. Life is full of uncertainties. You can have your biggest laugh now then cry out later. That is why having insurance is a must. We are all unsure what the future might be, so we have to secure our future not just for us, but also for our families and loved ones. If we are to look at the current scenario today, who would ever think that the global financial crisis would affect the global economy massively and extensively? I know those who lost their jobs are thinking, what if they got income protection quote

Am I stressed?

I haven’t been in the working mode these past few days. Not the usual workaholic like me. Maybe I’m a bit burnt out. Just this afternoon, the bosses are all out of the office. We all wished to go home too. I have been making the Tax report for almost three days now, before I usually finished it in less than a day. I haven’t started my costing report for January in the time that I should be working on the reports for February. I don’t know what’s wrong me with me. But I know this is not the usual me, there must be something wrong.

Dine in or outside dining?

>> Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I belong to a very close-knitted family. We have several extended families as well. My grandparents love to throw unplanned dinners and lunches with our relatives. And our clan has one common passion, it is food. No wonder we are somehow larger than the normal size. Recently my grandfather celebrated his 75th birthday. He did not want any big celebration, just a dinner with his siblings and their family. As expected, there was no enough room for the members of the clan. We have expected the dining area at the patio of the house. It was then we realized that we should get new patio furniture. Since the family is growing, there should be additional furniture for dinners and get together like this. What I love about this set is that it could be easily converted into a play table for our card games after the meals or shall I say while waiting for the next meal. It would be great for our coffee and non-stop conversations too. I warn you, our family never runs out of stories and anecdotes. It would also be relaxing for the oldies to sit there while they reminisce about their childhood days and memories (they always do that when they are all together). One thing more, it is a wicker furniture so it is expected to be strong enough to endure the weather outdoors. Wicker is expected to be very durable and could last a long time. I think we should get a fire pit too incase the nights would be colder for the oldies.

Handy Help

>> Sunday, March 1, 2009

My grandma is will turn 73 this May 28. She is now insulin dependent. It was over a decade now since she was diagnosed with Diabetes. One thing that I observed about her is that she always had a hard time to balance herself. She stumbles a lot of times already that’s why is not allowed to go to the market alone anymore. It also limited her activities like going to church and other religious activities which she does very diligently before. Just two years ago, we decided to give her a walking cane. It helped her to balance and it helped her walk much easier. The only problem is when the little brats, Brent and Sam would see her cane; they would play with it and eventually leave it somewhere else leaving my Granny clueless. Just recently Kuya and I thought of getting her a new set of walking canes. I discussed with him the set of canes that I saw from allegromedical.com. They got foldable canes which would be great for her because she can keep it in her bag. They also got accessories for walking canes like holder and strap so the boys would never play with her canes again.Its about time to get her new one, I know she would love them.

Songs and me

I am a music lover, I love songs. There are songs that speaks of my life, some reminds me of good memories and some reminds me of the not so good. I'll share with you five of the songs that became part of my life.

Without Me by Eminen- I heard this from Memae. Sometimes I feel that I failed the exams because I took more time to memorize the lyrics of this song rather than the theories and formulas.

It might be you by Stephen Bishop and Maybe by Neocolours- Highschool days and heartaches.

Overjoyed- my song for a college friend.

Numb by Linkin Park-me and my mom's argument song (love you ma)

Kiss Me- favorite videoke song score ranges from 97-100 only. Now winning song for us but in Japanese version.

How to stay young

My ever beautiful Tita Eve send me this via email and I end up laughing to death.

1. Throw out nonessential numbers.
This includes age, weight and height. Let the doctors worry about them. That is why you pay "them."

2. Keep only cheerful friends.
The grouches pull you down.

3. Keep learning.
Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, whatever. Never let the brain idle. "An idle mind is the devil's workshop." And the devil's name is Alzheimer's.

4. Enjoy the simple things.

5. Laugh
often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath. ( I always do this!)

6. The tears happen.
Endure, grieve, and move on. The only person, who is with us our entire life, is ourselves. Be ALIVE while you are alive.

7. Surround yourself with what you love
Whether it's family, pets, keepsakes, music, plants, hobbies, whatever. Your home is your refuge.

8. Cherish your health
If it is good, preserve it. If it is unstable, improve it. If it is beyond what you can improve, get help.

9. Don't take guilt trips.
Take a trip to the mall, even to the next county; to a foreign country but NOT to where the guilt is.

10. Tell the people you love that you love them at every opportunity.

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


Cake from Bizu

One time we are heading to fetch Leo's sister Arnie from her On the Job Training. She is having her training at Bizu Patisserie in Alabang. We are not having dinner yet that time so he was craving for something to eat. She asked Arnie to get us a small cake so we could have it while drving home.

Arnie got this Desire Cake. Its a combination of milk and dark chocolate ganace with Kahlua, creme brulee and sable crust topped with strawberry and miroir finish and chocolate nougatine. It was so tempting! Leo got hold of the strawberry as soon as he saw the cake but I told him to put it back so I could take a picture of it!

Nice thing about this cake is that Arnie got this for just a fraction of its original selling price! No guilt feeling :) I also heard that their Macarons de Paris are great too! Those are round pastel-colored pastries, sinfully sweet with crushed almonds and luxurious creme ganache flavors that burst in the mouth. The texture is quite unique as each macaron has a light thin crust that gives way to a soft and chewy cookie that is also light and airy. I hope we could taste them too :)

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